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  1. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    Re: Should English Be Compulsory Poll oh btw I have to agree, my thread is entirely about me whinging about the fact that i have to do English, even though it is my worst subject. Arguing about it was probably the most pointless thing i have ever done, but it made me feel better Nothing...
  2. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    lol Never thought i would get so many replies One thing though, i thought i posted this in general discussion why has this moved into the school folder?
  3. nayyarv

    State rankings

    Lol i have the same problem here The same guy is ahead of me in 3 unit, but im murdering him in 4unit. He's like a machine, and doesnt make silly mistakes (which kill me in 3unit) in 4 unit, the silly mistakes dont matter as much because the exam is impossible to finish and is also...
  4. nayyarv

    State rankings

    U better Though in truth, the other guy was just as good as me and i was expecting him to get a mark similar to mine. We both lost a total of 3 marks in every 2 unit assessment we did (312/315) aggregate, so each mistake counted. We were miles ahead of 3rd and 4th who got aggregrates of...
  5. nayyarv

    Is HSC English relevant?

    My conclusion from my other poll is that people doing the HSC, even ext2 english students felt that the English syllabus is irrelevant What are your thoughts - relevance, improvements etc. eg. The difference between General and 2 unit is huge, while the diff between Adv and Std isn't very...
  6. nayyarv

    State rankings

    That's right i had a HSC mark of 98 That's why i never checked the rankings The problem was mainly because i tied first, and the other guy didnt do very well. this probably lowered my internal assessment Fortunately it doesnt matter, though i wouldnt mind a higher rank:)
  7. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    Some of the arguments put forward by pro-English posters are simply ludicrous. They argue that English teaches us valuable skills. True, but the current syllabus doesn’t teach any of that. The so-called valuable skills of communication are already in place by Yr 11, because all subjects have at...
  8. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    Thats getting quite close to the british system as well as the IB, in which u have 4 or 5 compulsory categories, and one elective where u can do another science, language or humanity Apparently the IB is becoming so popular, that State run schools (mainly selective) are going to offer the IB...
  9. nayyarv


    if u ask me, i think standard english is pointless. Its not all that much easier than Advanced (the main diff is that they don't do shakespeare), and u essentially get scaled down. I think the scaling we are talking about here is the conversion to a UAI. The HSC mark scaling is...
  10. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    This is working on the assumption that most kids gud at science and IT are invariably gud at maths and those good at arts are invariably good at english. It is unlikely to extend the argument any further, coz the exceptions will be too few in number. I mean, how many people u know are awesome...
  11. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    Yeah, the argument is that at least one subject needs to be compulsory a UAI would be impossible to calculate without a common subject But it seems unfair that english is the common subject, especially to people who are crap at english, and it is an unfair advantage to those good at english...
  12. nayyarv

    why do people think B arts = unemployment??

    The traditional joke: The graduate with a Science degree asks, "Why does it work?" The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, "How does it work?" The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?" The graduate with an Arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"...
  13. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    I dont quite follow Why should english be the only compulsary subject? Using the same argument i can argue that any subject should be compulsary Well, the reason Aboriginal Studies is compulsary is because there needs to be a common subject for scaling. Considering this, would it really be...
  14. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    Yes found spell check thats brilliant no more compulsary lol maybe that might just draw more people to this thread The idiots guide to the International Bacclaureate You have to do 6 subjects 1 english, 1 Language Other Than English, 1 Maths, 1 Science, 1 Humanity and 1 elective - can be...
  15. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    I am beginning to think it is actually scaling causing all these problems I mean no-one would do advanced for the scaling, sciency people would be doing standard or lower (if possible) and cruising. Every1 would do the subjects they wanted to at appropriate levels of difficulty, and we...
  16. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    Well if he stays in power that long, i will be suprised But still, apparently english as a compulsory (Sorry everybody) subject has only been in the HSC since Bob Carr changed it I mean think about it, but who are the most disadvantaged by having english as a compulsory subject...
  17. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    lol :p !! rofl!! i never realized, i spell it the way i pronounce it, and i always get mixed up. Note to self: write out compulsory a 100 times
  18. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    Yeah, lol, that is true i mean not having english compulsary in yr 1 to 10 is just plain stupid. But u should learn how to write and communicate by Yr 10 (unless ur really dense). I mean after that, with regard to stuff like analysing Blade Runner, or Frontline (bring in the chasers), isnt...
  19. nayyarv

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    I kinda like the idea of both maths and english compulsary, because wat about people that do 4 unit english, 5 u of history, geography etc. they dont get any variety either and it makes it fair for people bad at english. Um... i didnt realize that u needed to be able to analyse Lear to...