For me cambridge was the hardest book. Its questions start at a hard level not like patel which start off basic and stuff. YES u should absolutly do the all the cambridge ones. Then b4 ur exam u can do the further questions and such. For me i didnt buy another book but my teacher would give us...
I KNOOOWW but im 16. I do miss school but not that much, its kinda like a pity miss plus i feel soo bad for the new year 12's just cant help myself and laugh. But yes im going party whenever possible, play games, get my Ps, get a PING PONG table yees btw not asian. Only bad thing is that im not...
No the graph was correct. but i read 1.7 not 1.6 thats not a mistake. i knew how to calculate the mass of zinc in it. I doubt theyll take a mark off. They would take a mark of if i read like 1.1
U know for the AAS graph question. For the average mass of zinc tablet. I read 1.7 mg/L off the graph not 1.6 mg/L like most ppl. You think they'll take a mark for that. Im sure they'll accept that?
So u made a strategic move dropping those. I know a guy who did a similar thing. He did esl bio chem general maths and got 100 uai. But he didnt go into engineering. In your case ur going to have to brigding courses, but thats for later. Im also keen on engineering goodluck:read:
That was the absolute best paper ive ever done!!! mc was maad short answer was sooo good and the option was soo good im so happy they put detergents for 7 marker
Try cornell uni is very good. I personally wanna go on exchange for engineering either to america or britian can anyone help me with whihc uni's offer this?
Im all up for sport and fitness but nail, and eyebrow...:uhoh: if u have a monobrow then i understand. Your the first guy ive seen to ever enter a solarium | just go to the beach. Plus add some studying and soccer maybe abit of ps2 plzz
YESSSSSSS thats what i put. It made perfect sense cuz the secondary coil would have more turns than the primary coil and thus produc a greater voltage.
I did de brodlie and Pauli. There pretty good together just talked about the neutrino and exlcusion princinple on pauli's behalf and wave-particle electron stability interger wavelengths thingo's for broglie