This question is Q9 Ex10.2 out of Maths in Focus (Book 2)
The question says use Newton's method once to find correct to 2dp
(a) cubed root of 5
(b) fifth root of 400
(c) fourth root of 55..... etc
I have no clue how to do these types of questions. Help please
At my school we started ext2 in week 2 so we have only had 3 lessons so far. Im using cambridge and terry lee textbooks. Were up to modulus and argument. The only thing i dont like about cambridge is that there are not fully worked solutions in the answers section (most textbooks dont do this...
thnx heaps mate....i know why i couldnt do the question....i was using this as LHS of equation:
1- [1/(2k-1)] + [2/(2k+1)(2k+3)]
instead of:
1- [1/(2k+1)] + [2/(2k+1)(2k+3)]
lol fully misread the answer i got to n=k
Prove using induction that
(2/1x3) + (2/3x5) + ....... + [2/(2n-1)(2n+1)] = 1- [1/(2n+1)]
i get to a certain stage where i just cant seem to factorise any more to get the solution....
please help
this is the solution to the combustion question:
Heat = -0.21 x 4.18 x 10^3 x 65
then you times this number by 2 as twice as many moles of ethanol is needed to achieve the heat energy of 57.057
then using n=m/Mm
you dont need to study for SC
the maths is easy
science is pretty simple
english is pretty basic (you either get speech or story or somthin else simple)
geography and history are probably the ones which actually need a little bit of study
and computing skills is easy as
im only in year 11 but could u please just estimate my ATAR.
school rank: around 200
subject ranks and marks:
english adv: 8th?(not to sure) 70%
2 unit maths: 1st 95%
3 unit maths: 1st 70%
Business: 1st 93%
Physics: 1st 87%
Chem: 2nd 80%
thnx heaps