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  1. JB10


    I JUST watched that episode last night... I'm up to the final episode of season 4 - watching it next Thursday night.. Can't freakin wait
  2. JB10

    Who else can't find work?

    Well... I got a job! Video Ezy :D
  3. JB10


    You think season 2 was the best?? WHY? Lila just pissed me off, Doakes was annoying for most of the season, etc. I think it was the 'worst', but still very good... That's how good the show is ;) I loved Miguel. HOW CAN YOU SAY SEASON 3 WAS THE WORST? AHHH
  4. JB10


    No.. I only have one ex but I didn't think it was a good idea in any sense to stay friends.
  5. JB10

    15 year old steals car, crashes, dies

    Sorry, posted this when I heard it on the news yesterday.. I think first reports said it was a 17 yr old, I assumed P-Plater. Sidenote: Why the hell would I want to flame P-Platers? I am one myself..
  6. JB10


    And now, onto the show... FOLLOWING CONTAINS SPOILERS Season 1 was awesome. I don't know if it has been topped.. The fact that Rudy was Dexter's brother blew my mind. I did have a suspicion that he was the ice truck killer all along though. Season 2 wasn't as good, but still had some...
  7. JB10


    Shut the fuck up
  8. JB10

    15 year old steals car, crashes, dies

    Re: Another fatal P-Plate crash Like which cars?
  9. JB10

    15 year old steals car, crashes, dies

    Another fatal P-Plate crash Latest Media Releases - NSW Police Force I swear, about 90% of the time a P-Plater is responsible for a fatal accident, they are driving a Ford Falcon or a Holden Commodore.
  10. JB10

    2010 University Offers Thread (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam)

    Main Round: B Science (Forensic Science) at UWS, Hawkesbury. Early Feb Round: B Arts/Masters Nursing at USYD. Deferred both, haven't made up my mind but am leaning towards Forensic Science. Luckily I have 11 months to decide.
  11. JB10

    Three Dead in P Plate Crash

    Why don't you all go spit on their graves to make yourselves feel even tougher? Fucking losers. RIP to those who were lost.
  12. JB10

    Who else can't find work?

    I've had about 1.5 years at KFC, 6 months at a carwash and 3 years construction work (working about 1 day a fortnight).. Still nothing, lol.. Hopefully this is the week!
  13. JB10

    Who else can't find work?

    I've applied for about 25 positions online... I've handed out about 10 resumes, and I've walked around to about 15 more places to ask if they have any work available. Not one callback. Not one place had anything available. So damn frustrating... Anyone in the same position?
  14. JB10

    Can you DEFER 2 courses?

    I'm just trying to find out if UWS's policy is the same. I hope my deferment isn't cancelled with them if I defer a 2nd course.
  15. JB10

    Can you DEFER 2 courses?

    Bump.. Any definitive answers? I've searched everywhere online and can't find a thing. :argue:
  16. JB10

    Commerce Dilemma

    /thread Look at the Uni Offers lists... Stalk girls through facebook. The higher the number of attractive girls? You enrol there. Get to work.
  17. JB10

    ACU or SCU, coffs harbour?

    Depends entirely on what you wanna pursue! Personally, I would go with the ACU Course.
  18. JB10

    Crazy ATAR differences from MAIN round to EARLY FEBRUARY round offers.

    I noticed Policing at UWS went from about a 68 to a 94. Why is Arts at MAC still so low? Only 76?
  19. JB10

    Can you DEFER 2 courses?

    Cheers. Could anyone confirm/dispute? I read this at the USYD Wesbite - This just confused me more... :confused:
  20. JB10

    LateRoundOffer to UNSW Law with 98.35.. clerical error?

    lol exactly.. Accept it before they realise their mistake ;) EDIT: I'm not saying either of you are 'mistakes', it may have sounded that way.