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    Current Atar Calculator Accuracy

    I'm not sure. Let's hope Matrix is better and that the actual HSC 2012 is also better than Matrix lol
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    Kinda disappointed with one subject where i missed a band 6 by 1 mark, but still pleased coz in my dreams, they were a whole lot worse
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    Current Atar Calculator Accuracy

    haha well done, I hope you get the extra half points lol
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    Current Atar Calculator Accuracy

    Oh ok well, I hope I sneaked in an extra half point from the Matrix calculators
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    Current Atar Calculator Accuracy

    Hey guys, Comparing the Matrix calculator to the one used this year,. How accurate do you think the Matrix one is for this year's? Would the actual atar be higher or lower than the matrix for this year? BTW i hope everyone got their course. If not, dont despair. It's not over yet
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    Who is still awake

    5 mins left, feeling sicker with every minute passing lol
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    screwed up my life, help please...

    Just to make you feel better..........I agree, you did screw up your life
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    Globalisation Questions- Topic 1

    You're better off reading magazines such as TIMES that are focused on the case study. The syllabus for case study isn't that specific. All you have to do is cover the issues of Topic 2 and how globalisation has affected the particular country, and that's your case study
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    Who's ready for year 11?

    Think of year 11 as a trial and error. You try study techniques that may work or may not work. You try gaining new habits and lose old ones. You try being more organised or rely on your gut. Year 11 is suppose to help you learn where your studying strengths and flaws are, such that this is...
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    Part-Time jobs!

    hey guys , whats the best way to avoid job scams?
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    B5/B6 Cut off

    it wasnt so much so hard, it was just long. so long that it is incredibly easy to make silly errors.
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    MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i dunno, I shan't tell but I'll say..........nah im not gonna say shit. btw im...

    MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i dunno, I shan't tell but I'll say..........nah im not gonna say shit. btw im in most of your classes
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    hey drop me of on wednesday and thursday, btw jason's asking if can drive us to school after...

    hey drop me of on wednesday and thursday, btw jason's asking if can drive us to school after chem to sign out?
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    haahahah hey shravan, found the page lol?

    haahahah hey shravan, found the page lol?
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    Can I get an ATAR of 98+

    Nothing wrong in hoping, right? At least he's given himself a chance with those results
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    Part Time Job Post-HSC

    indian telecommunications lol - they actually train ppl with no exp. and then hire them
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    What major would be best in commerce if your dream is to become a CEO one day?

    You don't 'get' into a CEO, you work into a CEO. Trust me, if u play ur cards to just be a CEO, for the money, it could be a loooooooong time waiting