i wrote a story about a kid from out of space. he can read people's minds, making it all the more difficult for him to fit in at his new school in dubbo. he meets a friend called kiraki, who's a torres strait islander, and his dad owns an abattoir. kiraki finds out that kgnlu (the alien's name)...
the big green.
many of you probably havn't heard about it.
some kids from a rural american town get an english exchange teacher in their crummy school. the teacher introduces them to soccer, and they start a team and enter it in the local competition. they suck at soccer, but they have alot of...
i have similar thoughts at the moment.
found 13 silly mistakes.
i forgot the put (+c) for the integration questions on question 2.. TWICE!
i also ruined a proof on q10 because i simplified (1+x)/(1+x) to 0 for some reason.
to find the perimeter of the minor segment, i applied pythagoras theorem to find the chord length. never have i done something so stupid. it seems i saved the silliest mistakes for last. gg
In my trial, we were asked to find the turning points of a curve, then find the point of inflexion. We all lost marks because noone tested the point of inflexion. Is this common?
f(x) = x(inverse sinx) = x/sinx in order for function to be true, sinx =/= 0 .'. d = all x such that x =/= 0, 180, 360 etc correct me if i'm wrong please, i have a feeling i am