I know this isn't the answer you're looking for but I think you should keep all of them. With enough effort and organisation a decent student should be able to pull it off. I dropped physics going into year 12 and looking back on the decision I don't think my reason (too much work) was...
Physics: high 70's
Chemistry: mid-high 70's
Maths: mid-high 90's/120
Maths Ext1: ~56/84 for a band 6 from what I've heard although I'm skeptical... seems a bit too low. (I'm guessing you made an error when you said 30?)
English: Don't know, but 90 is ~80/105
SOR 2U - no clue
I'm not exactly sure about the rank, it could possibly be better but I'm not counting on it. My cohort for SOR has some pretty decent students this year + I've talked to my teacher who said that a band 6 is still a possibility (assuming I study enough before the HSC).
School rank: ~150
Chemistry: 3/20 :mad3:
Biology: 1/40
Adv Math: 1/30
Ext1 Math: 1/10
Standard English: 1/120
Studies of Religion 1: ~15/60 - Not too sure about this.
If you want to be the hundredth person to tell me how badly standard is going to pull me down, feel free.
Why don’t you?
So, let me get this straight. In the HSC, only the individuals who lose 3 errors or less throughout the entire paper get a band 6? That sounds like BS, hence why I’m assuming he was not talking about the externals.
Thanks man, I appreciate your effort.
Yeah, I've heard that the total percentage of students who achieved a band 6 last year was something like 0.18%. To be honest, if I'd known that standard english was such a scam at the beginning of year 12 I wouldn't have thought once about dropping.
As it is, I'm stuck with this shit and...