Search results

  1. Divinity_

    UWS and UOW?????WTF???

    UWS accepts people with *.
  2. Divinity_


    Re: Maquarie University Have a read of this page: Engineering at UNSW | UNSW Engineering
  3. Divinity_


    Re: Maquarie University I recommend UNSW if you are planning to do Engineering.
  4. Divinity_


    Re: tsfx mastering the exams lectures 2009 hahas, i remember that day. we left after 5minutes of the talk.
  5. Divinity_

    Recommendations: Best HSC textbooks for any of these subjects?

    2U Maths - Start off with something easy like Maths in Focus and then move onto Fitzpatrick/Cambridge.
  6. Divinity_

    Matrix HSC Exam Prep Courses

    I think Matrix Holiday courses are worth more than that TFSX crap.
  7. Divinity_

    Future Plans (UAI/Uni/Tafe/Job)

    Re: What UAI&Course are you aiming for? haha i know
  8. Divinity_

    UAI and ATAR Calculator

    That's because it'd based off the 2008 HSC =]]
  9. Divinity_

    Senior Science or Biology

    Senior Science is easier. Although Biology would be a wiser choice esp. if you are continuing to do Science at University.
  10. Divinity_

    hey man; can you pm me you msn ?

    hey man; can you pm me you msn ?
  11. Divinity_

    Help: Clingy and obsessive

    If you're a good boyfriend, just stick with it.
  12. Divinity_

    Grand Theft Auto

  13. Divinity_

    UNSW open day.

    LOL ! burnt hard.
  14. Divinity_

    UNSW open day.

    Just an Info Booklet on UNSW open day. Some ads and a pen iirc.
  15. Divinity_

    Chinese People Have No Arm/Leg Hair?

    hahas . i think it's true but i know some chinese guys who have a fair bit hair on their arms and legs. it varies actually.
  16. Divinity_

    Future Plans (UAI/Uni/Tafe/Job)

    Re: What UAI&Course are you aiming for? I don't get it :S
  17. Divinity_

    stop visiting my profile D:<

    stop visiting my profile D:<