Emission spectra - produced by interstellar gasses and dust that are heated by surrounding stars/excited by external means. The electrons absorb energy, and in doing so jump up an energy level/sub shell. (chemistry of art ftw) From this higher energy state, the electron(s) drop back down to...
Yea I'm keen for this. Answer is what teeah said and also (i just got a new keyboard, soo soo good) and yea, also that by examining spectral lines you can determine the density of the star due to the fact that less dense starts have longer photon travel before collisions in the atmosphere.
Coming from someone who got high nineties in all they subjects in year 10 SC, and who 'burnt out' at the beginning of this year, pretty much didn't care about marks. Come after half yearly I actually put in effort.
Strive as hard as you can all the time, but tell your parents not to take away...
Fucked up big time. Got too stressed and to many stupid mistakes in the multiple choice. Probably ~50/70 if I'm lucky.
Could do all of question 6, but I ran our of time so lost 5 marks for just not being able to complete the last one.
Oh well.
Time for physics and chemistry study.
not it has to be B. there are a total of '60' in the size. 10 000 records means 60 per record so 60 *10 000 = 600 000 'units'
now if we assume these units are in bits, then to get to Kb like in the question we just divide by 1000, therefore 600 000/1000 = 600Kb = B
If you assume the 'units' are...
this is the exact problem with the exam. It should have been much more to syllabus dot point instead of BS, so people who were knowledgeable with the syllabus and had a full understanding eg. extensive study, should have done better than those who have not studies. Instead they structured it so...
differentiate. If = 0 then it is a turning point at x.
test values either side to determine if max or minimum. Just think logically and you should be fine :)
drew like a website with the collaboration page.
Had three buttons with drop down menu's of countries
1. Online Chat
2. Documents
3. Video conferencing
Then another button with 'resources' and then a GO! after each drop down menu. Simple and concise. IDK if thats what they wanted though.
Eurotrip (hate that word but best description) with friend who has family in Holland. Germany, Switzerland (SKIING), France (LHC), Italy, Austria, Berlin (staying in a fucking castle or something). Should be good as.
2 months!
Um yea not too bad. Some of the questions were a bit iffy about what they wanted us to answer with, but I sort of put in a bit and hoped it was what they were looking for. Diagrams etc was good. Definitions were good. Maybe 1-2 marks off the larger questions but the smaller ones ok.
What 6 pages? You're kidding. Most I did for one question was like 1.5 pages max for one of the 5 marks
Yea agreed on the amount of BS needed, really took a while to get what they were asking for. I just tried to put in as much relevant technical information as possible within my answers...
Here are the multiple choice answer I got for the paper. After the exam my friend and I went through the multiple choice and we got exactly the same answers. Hopefully 20/20 for this section. Note these may not be 100% correct but I am fairly sure they are.
1. A
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. B
i reckon it will have projectile motion as there was absolutely none in the catholic trials :| hopefully not too theory based otherwise it means the board is trying to turn every subject into english. But yea around 75 cut off I'm guessing, just depends on how they go about it.
yea I'm fairly sure that is just general knowledge that you should have gathered from living outside and doing stuff. Make sure for the big questions you go into lots of details also if you have time to get full marks.