Oh gosh yes, the extra perks you get as an executive are - as the germans wud say - einfach fantastischhhhhhh
arghhhhhhhhhhh just handed in my first uni assignment today, arghhhhhh, got another thing to hand in on friday arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh lolol
oh yea and why the fuck is tony archer still allowed to ref games, THAT GUY IS SO FUCKING SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT, WORST FUCKING REF IN HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wud punch that cunt in the face if i saw him!!!!!!
depends on wat type of doctor you become, a lot of doctors don't get involved in life threatening situations, however yes many of them do have to put up with death right in front of their faces
hmmmm, well that WOULD epically suck if that happened, however it seems that death is a more likely...
negative, med forums are full of a billion threads about "zomgggggg need a group thingo for umat" ,,,,clearly its too hard to post it all in the one thread =S =S
hahaha well its cos of my mum and brother, they are absolute NUTJOBS, my brother used to read our electricity meter to make sure we keep below a certain level HAHAHA
haha im viewing OUR conversation, im stalking USSSSSSSS lol
electricity causes so much damn pollution thoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!1 ppl dont use it responsibly enuf!!!
LOL damn softwares, damn computers, DAMN EVERYTHING that uses electricity =P
uni was fair good today, had some REALLY boring lectures tho, one on public health, and another on dealing with psychological stress, however the others were fairly cool xD
oh GOD that just sounds like something i would fail at EPICALLY! LOL i have no idea when it comes to technology haha ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh so you're already an epic nerd at it?? xD
man plagiarism stuff is soooooo effing boooring! we just spent hours talking about it the other week =[[ was so gay haha
hmmmmmmm yea pretty busy =S =S but thats mainly cos of the massive time it takes me to travel there =[[ haha, except today, when i finish nice and early, so im on BoS =]]]
and thanks for the encouragement!! haha
haha i was quoting from the TV show "FRIENDS" haha, where chandler says "I DID ENTER MY MIND!!!! but something happened, for it to....shoot right out" =D