Zervos Komninos writes performance poetry, some of it about the migrant experience:http://komninos.com.au/hscpoems/jukebox.html
Antigone Kefala: www.poetrylibrary.edu.au/poets/kefala-antigone
Nguyen Tien Hoang: http://www.poetryinternational.org/piw_cms/cms/cms_module/index.php?obj_id=20689
Most schools require your related text to be a different text type to your main text-therefore unless okayed by your teacher, you should not do 2 feature films. Four Corners did a story a few months ago on the ex policeman Mark Standen who turned out to be corrupt, it's called Standen: The...
It depends sometimes on the teacher and the text-but often it simply means language techniques. In a particular novel a writer may use a circular structure in that it starts and ends at the same place. They may have different narrative voices or use flashbacks. They might use letters or diary...
I'm an English teacher and have marked the HSC so one tip would be don't use songs as related texts as they don't go down well and they really don't offer much scope in terms of interesting language techniques. Poems and short stories are fine so long as they are written by published and well...
Hi Alexandra
I'm an English teacher and I mark and give feedback on essays/ stories but I charge for it. You can email me at cunliffejennifer@hotmail.com if interested. I have been teaching the Crime elective since 2001.
Re: Frankenstein and Blade runner(Please read and mark? any comments too)
I'm an English teacher and this is definitely D range. You must support everything you say with textual references and analysis of techniques-from actual scenes in the texts. You must answer the question throughout the...
There are a number of ways in which the poem shows disconnection, but specifically to the hostel (which would include the place and its occupants) you could talk about the simile in: 'For over two years we lived like birds of passage'. A bird of passage has no home, it is itinerant, not unlike...
I am an English teacher and have written an ebook study guide on how this play fits in to the belonging rubric. It's for sale at this site:http://www.blurb.com/user/store/cunliffe
You can look at the the way in which the social world of the court (materialist values/ greed etc) prevents...
Your school may have guidelines about not using Year 11 texts, but that is not a BOS guideline. There is no rule about using other Year 12 texts either, it's simply that the markers don't like it-they think you are 'double dipping' and therefore haven't worked to find your related texts.
I am an English teacher and have written a study guide on As You Like It from a 'Belonging' point of view. It's for sale as an ebook in case anyone is interested, but it offers a different perspective from the normal Excel books.
I would like to offer my services for one to one tutoring in the Coogee area or for online essay marking, either to give feedback on practice essays, practice exam papers or marked essays where limited feedback has been given.
I have been teaching English for 26 years, 21 of those exclusively...