Extensive research of Geert Wilders' speeches as well as the koran in general, not just "One guy's speech"
Ive researched this in very great detail and find that without a shadow of a doubt, geert wilders is absolutely correct in his preachings.
And nerdasdasd did you read what I posted...
The religion IS arrogant and primitive! did you not READ geert wilders' speech which presented evidence for this claim?
The fucking bit was exaggerated sorry -_-
I just am somewhat angered at the horrible things that muhammad commands people to do.
Not hate speech just because you dont agree with it.
and lolsmith I dont have an opinion, I only seek to educate myself on matters in the world and when evidence presents itself showcasing the particular features of a political idealogy, I form a new understanding of that ideology. Geert...
preferably 95+ Adv eng mark, someone who really knows what they're talking about.
Payment will be thru paypal.
Need this person primarily for essay help, though obviously all aspects of english as well.
PM if you'd like to work together, and name your price. Thanks
U r basically saying "I like buttered toast but not toast with butter on it" lol
You clearly have not experienced enough of islam to understand its true inherent horrors.
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
ahh fuck this is right on the tip of my mind yet I CANT THINK OF THE ANSWER lol
I read it only a few days ago and I forgot -_-
There's less suburbs in sydney than there are mosques. Does that put it into perspective? lol
At least one mosque for every suburb on average. Read the whole article absolutezero, it's good for you to do so, as should everyone.
funkshen, im glad you're not an ignorant and uneducated fuck who dismisses this as "racist". Thanks :)
Spread it to everyone hey! We can still stop it the slow poison of islam. We just need courageous politicians who EDUCATE THE CITIZENS on the horrible danger they are in!
Fuck me christ!
Jesus christ, this is going to happen to australia! We need to fucking stop this shit!
idk about you guys, but this is scaring the shit out of me.