I got BHGHS .. nahh well in the next two weeks i got 13 exams and two assignments due.. crazy eh.. The Sc trials was bull, because like I studied like 32 pages of science notes and not one piece of material was in that friggen exam it felt more like a comprehension test.
Omg thanks I actually understood that, Lmao when I rant at her tomorow, I shall mention you lol. A random taught me chem in a min and all you have done is deafen me..
thanx =]
Ok so heres my problem, Im doing Chemistry prep in year 10 , and It has Totally done my head in. My teacher is the type of one which explains 10 topics in one lesson, so quickly and she tells us to ask questions and when we do , she like goes of yelling at us saying "oh you should of listened...
Yeh Im really excited ... Im taking up 13 units .. doing everything I love. And taking one step closer to my dream of becoming a Nurse.
I'm doing
1. Gen Maths
2.Stan English
3.Community & Family Studies
7.Sports Lifestyle and Recreation
8.TVET Nursing Course...
Yepp D4Danny our school got the EXACT same syllabus.. though the Jeans4Genes wascut out of the paper after we did it because alot of people had trouble reading the paper cause it was to small and blurry, and we had the 2 letters to the editors and the Lady Gaga opinion & Coraline, and a poverty...
Okk um.. so im sorta stressing my SC trials are like in 1 week.. haven't studied just yet.. though typing up notes and I came across that I have chucked my notes away which include info on Human health and disease and also reproduction.
I have every other piece of info except those two.. can...