If you're really interested in it, you should give it a go! :) Where are you applying to for law?
May I ask, did you/ are you doing do a law degree? :)
I heard from other people that UTS is quite good! :) If you check the myuniversity website you can actually compare the above universities in terms of overall satisfication, employment, median salary, etc.for Business.
Cambridge Checkpoints is good for Chemistry, has lots of questions for each topic (Production of Materials....etc.. including Options) Would definitely recommend! Also for Biology a good textbook is Biology in Contexts (I think that's what its called). Hope this helps! :)
I am doing an assignment and I was wondering if anyone could give some examples of current crime issues. I've got some examples such as police powers but if anyone had some suggestions that would be great!
My school is doing the crucible for belonging and julius caesar for module C. We have to find three related texts for an assignment and I'm not sure which texts would be good particularly for advanced.