Search results

  1. N

    Model of a Human Eye......ANY IDEAS? :)

    yea please, Thankyou :)
  2. N

    Model of a Human Eye......ANY IDEAS? :)

    The model needs to cover syllabus point 2a), from the communications option. You have to label all the parts of the eye..........any ideas?
  3. N

    Can I get 99.95 with these subjects?

    Can I get 99.95 with these subjects: Maths 2U, Chem, Bio, Physics, Eng Adv, Religion 2U?
  4. N

    Should I review the preliminary stuff for a 97+ atar? Year 11 maths? HELP!!!

    I do english advanced, chem, bio, physics, maths 2u and religion 2u.......I honestly did NOT study for the sciences in year if I study everything for year 12, would i be good for my hsc? or do i need prelim stuff to back me up? Especially in the sciences. How much of maths prelim...