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  1. L

    UNSW J.D. readings / roll call

    I've contacted Faculty but there's this lull apparently. Anyone here in the J.D.? Also, does anyone know if there are readings for pre-commencement first years? Thanks.
  2. L

    Work at the Big 6 Law Firms

    Any sort of South African English accent is markedly different from any British English accent, whatever that (a Pommy accent) is. There may be many significant phonetic and phonological similarities to an untrained ear, and there may not be. I'll grant you the fact that it may sound the same...
  3. L

    Work at the Big 6 Law Firms

    Haha, I guess that's the dream for some. For the vast majority, it'll only be a dream. God, Gonski's somewhat of a legend, so much of a legend that it's scary. In researching UNSW Law, I learnt that not only was Gonski amongst the top in pretty much every stage of his life before his employment...
  4. L

    Work at the Big 6 Law Firms

    Not very. Just the premise of the show is a big no-no in real life. Other than that, a lot of it's just highly glamorised fiction. From what I've experienced and to the best of my limited knowledge, people don't do things that would might be awkward or unprofessional such as getting or being...
  5. L

    Statutory interp recommendation (or none?)

    Cool, thanks, guys. Just to be clear, the fresher law text and readers, the relevant Acts, and classes/seminars/tutes, I should be more than equipped to deal with statutes, right? Thanks in advance.
  6. L

    Law at UWS: any good?

    Depends what you want. If it were me and among those three, Macq U. (See and for Macq. things.) UWS has apparently suffered the devastating loss of several electives, is ridiculously far...
  7. L

    Statutory interp recommendation (or none?)

    Could anyone recommend a text for interpretation of statutes for freshers? I'm thinking of saving myself from spending - I'm guessing - a hundred dollars on something that I'd definitely need for later but just not now. The fundies/intro stuff seems plenty of reading and is only an...
  8. L

    2013 Law Cohort Rollcall

    pp. 27–31, of 56 pages. You can't miss p. 31. There are these nine caricatures that are rather different from the rest of the document. Had to do a double back when I saw it. I have to hand it to UNSW Law Society. It seems to diverse and genuinely multicultural/multiethnic. Go it!
  9. L

    2013 Law Cohort Rollcall

    You might want to read: I found it helpful. This too.
  10. L

    Specific Qs on Law @ USYD vs UNSW

    Oh, I meant "You'll come here?". Hopefully, that doesn't become "You come here?" because I'll stop thinking that because I'll stop thinking that or they'll be totally not who I have thought them to be. Yeah, I feel you. Honours certainly sounds so good, being a nominal distinction from your...
  11. L

    Law/ Int Studies @ UNSW

    Back in those day, roughly when the UNSW Bookshop was a Co-op, UNSW used to be pen-and-paper. Now, the tech-savvy university allows you to do all of it online. You have to come back for your student card (and a photo) and the travel concession, though...
  12. L

    Is law boring?

    Probably everyone finds law rigorous and stimulating but you'd probably be hard pressed to find anyone who found all of law boring. With its reach so broad, there's bound to be something for everyone. I would hazard that 90% of law students - all current second- and third-years? - would find...
  13. L

    legal dictionary

    Some universities provide access to online legal dictionaries, so you might be able to not shell out money for that just yet, if ever. From my understanding, LexisNexis' Concise Australian Legal Dictionary is the most popular among law students in NSW - at least those that make themselves heard...
  14. L

    Law at UWS: any good?

    I wouldn't rule out the practicality or purpose of a basic legal education - and I use basic not to malign the quality or anything of its law courses, but I am making reference to the fact that, after you graduate, you've still got a long way - at UWS. I can't tell you anything specific or...
  15. L

    Specific Qs on Law @ USYD vs UNSW

    By 2015, the J.D.s will not be eligible for Honours (as in "with Honours"); they will, however, be recognised by the appendage "with distinction", as in Juris Doctor with distinction (or, more likely as it would written in title case, Juris Doctor with Distinction). The source of this is the...
  16. L

    Specific Qs on Law @ USYD vs UNSW

    USyd: Grade distributions are up to the course convenor's discretion. The principle remains much the same though. Pardon the absence of the links. The class sizes for electives usually have an uppermost limit but sometimes another...
  17. L

    Specific Qs on Law @ USYD vs UNSW

    Hi. Pardon my post, for its length and quality. Phone posting. Initially, I wanted to attend UNSW for its organisation and admin, its legal centre/clinic, and the purported teaching quality but, as of this morning, I've thought that CP at UNSW is a stupid system and reading up on the policy –...
  18. L

    Specific Qs on Law @ USYD vs UNSW

    Hi. Misery loves company, haha. I'm in the same boat, with JD (CSP) offers from both USyd and UNSW. Although I graduated from USyd (non-arts/non-commerce/non-engineering) degree, I was set on UNSW but have since given this some more thought and am now clueless (I reconsidered USyd on the basis...