Search results

  1. stella8h8chang

    Droping extension 1

    I see from your profile that you've got 13 units? So if 3U maths is not working out, I guess you could safely drop it (you'll still have 2 units to fall back on). I'm also assuming that you're doing quite well in your non-maths subjects and that 3U is an anomaly. After reading your criticisms...
  2. stella8h8chang

    Upmyself Medical Drama

    You have been warned - read at own risk... Okay basically USYD rang me the other day and said, "we're offering you a place in our combined science/med program! and don't worry if it's not your first preference, just change it for the late round and the place will definitely be there still..."...
  3. stella8h8chang


    Hey! Don't panic! Don't beat yourself (or other people) up for this mix-up. Bureaucracy will always be evil; particularly in medicine they want to find more excuses to weed people out. As Bill Gates said, "Life is unfair. Get used to it." On a more positive note, I guess what I have to say has...
  4. stella8h8chang

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows So True! I know I don't normally post things in this forum, but I thought I'd stick my nose in (to share an anecdote). Basically in year 7 my principal read us a section from HPPS, and for our year 12 farewell she read us a section from HBP...
  5. stella8h8chang

    Top Schools 2006 By Region

    W00t! Go PLC! The top non-selective in the Northern Suburbs... Thankyou very much!
  6. stella8h8chang

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Just my ears pierced, one hole each. I get allergic reactions to nickel so I'm stopping there. But if I could, I wouldn't mind getting another one in each ear means you can wear special kinds of earrings?
  7. stella8h8chang

    Premier's award???

    Definitely, if you have a spread of 10 units over 2 years you can get an award. How do I know this? I heard of someone who got two awards :jaw: so it must be possible to accumulate units.
  8. stella8h8chang

    If you had $200 to blow on books...

    OMG I'm in the same situation as you! Never finished Catch-22...I wasn't really fully drawn into it, so I picked up a different book (I usually have 2 or 3 book interests round the same time)...The Time Traveller's Wife. It may not be your cup of tea, a bit too girly, but it's definitely...
  9. stella8h8chang

    Size 5 shoes

    Awwww - I don't think I'm qualified to say "I feel your pain" because I'm a five and a half, so I can usually wear size sixes (and I have fairly wide feet which helps sometimes...although it meant once I had to go up to a 6.5 because the shoes were narrow) I hear Cabramatta stocks very small...
  10. stella8h8chang

    What was your school?

    I went to PLC (Pymble). How your grade will affect you truly depends on the batch of students, in my opinion we get better every year, but then again that's debatable... The school tends to stuff up the internal ranks BUT this means that everyone pulls some people up and then is pulled up in...
  11. stella8h8chang

    Congrats to one of our own - 100 UAI!

    **claps hands** SQUEE! We rock! (we've pretty much gotten someone with 100 every year, right?)
  12. stella8h8chang

    Distinguished Achievers List (as a searchable Excel file)

    Thankyou :D now I can efficiently chase up on all my primary school friends. I got 8 for 2006, + 1 for 2005, = 9 total, does that make me special too? Lol I'm just being a jerk. Ignore me. But yeah - awesome work!
  13. stella8h8chang

    Is this possible?

    DUDE I am in the same position as you. I got 99 and 50 respectively...and I was a tad disappointed with Extension... But, given that I know about 10 people who got 50/50 for English Extension 2 and didn't get rankings, I can only assume the same thing happened for Latin - I guess the raw mark...
  14. stella8h8chang

    Band 6's in Sydney Paper

    I got the SMH today and had fun colouring it in with highlighters. Green=primary school friends, Yellow=high school friends and so I remember who to send messages of congratulations to. I think the record for taking up the most amount of space in the distinguished achievers list would...
  15. stella8h8chang

    Maths Ext II Results

    Maths Ext 2...somehow I got 95. Very happy.
  16. stella8h8chang

    Post your 2006 HSC results here!

    Chemistry: 93 (oops, I was coming 1st until I buggered up the trial - downward slide from there I'm afraid - thankyou Chem of Art for which I memorized huge chunks of material that didn't come out!) Adv English: 93 Ext English: 46 (alot of people seem to have these marks, maybe we're...
  17. stella8h8chang

    Post your 2006 UAI here!

    SAM: 99.95 Reality: 99.95 Spot-on, Sam! **pets Sam** I might buy a new teddy bear and call it Sam. Or anyway I don't think my teddies have permanent names anyway so...yeah... Here's to Sam! **takes a draught of raspberry/cranberry/strawberry tea** (I would drink champagne, but given that...
  18. stella8h8chang

    Interview Offers for MED at USYD

    OMG OMG OMG I just found this thread...just like 5 minutes after posting one: But yeah - I'd love some help too!
  19. stella8h8chang

    Combined Med Interviews

    This was totally unexpected, but I got a phone call today from the uni saying, "you have an interview for combined science/medicine..." And so I log onto my email and I get this: "your interview will be approximately 30 minutes in duration" Ok I can deal with that...but... "which includes...
  20. stella8h8chang

    living on campus

    Hi there, I've gotten an interview for Monash med so I'm thinking I seriously have to apply for colleges now - since the accommodation form is due on the 30th! Aack! What should I put down as first and second preferences if I'm doing med? All of them look so good on the internet...