FYI I am SE asian. not vietnamese, the other one ;)
and I would like to say this out loud... I DONT KNOW A SINGLE CHINESE WORD!!! loads of ppl just randomly come up to me and speak chinese, and im like... WTF i dont know a single word u just said. I dont get how these ppl could survive australia...
Re: ANU vs UNSW vs USYD vs Melbourne vs Macquarie for finance/commerce?
Macquarie Uni... apparently is the 'easiest uni to get it, hard to get out'. (confirmed by my aunt & my cousins who are locals, 2 lecturers, numerous friends)
I'm doing Bach of App Fin.. and struggling! :(
I like...
FYI I am an international student..
and even I hate international students. esp those who can't speak english and hog library chairs and speak in level 4 study spaces. 2 days ago was so annoyed with these 2 chinese girls coz they have been talking for the past 1 hour in level 4 QUIET study...
(first post ever in this forum yay!)
Im going to concentrate on the money, equity, bond, derivative market and mostly materials from second half of the semester. Not gonna worry too much about the history... just gonna read through it. how are u guys gonna study? so much to remember!