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  1. D

    Any 1st students finding university life difficult?

    It's been said several times already, but anyway another voice can't hurt. Uni is different to school and will take a bit of getting used to. It is unreasonable to expect to be able to come in week 1 and have things fall into place from the start. Just keep your head above the water this...
  2. D

    The best things about a recession.

    This is mostly irrelevant to the people of this forum because of this: Also a majority of 18-22 year olds* don't have anywhere near the amount of money required to put a deposit on a house. *I'm assuming since they are on this forum that they are studying and thus only working P/T or casual.
  3. D

    Do I have to apply a sudden brake?

    If you were only 4-5m behind the line and travelling at 40 km/h then you wouldn't have been able to stop in that distance, as it takes about 26m* to stop the car. * Source .
  4. D

    Compulsory uni service fees to be reintroduced

    Re: VSU is going out? I support VSU and it will be a sad day if it is removed.
  5. D

    Survey on morals

    1)A majority, yes. All, no. 2)Yes 3)Yes 4) In the realm of everyday life, no. But I'm sure plenty of people find ways to justify it. 5)Yes, but i wouldn't. 6)Up until the legally defined limit. 7)No 8) No, then again i have no holy places...
  6. D

    tutorials all full?????

    Get used to it with subjects that use the SOLS system to enrol in tutes. Last year the timetable was done so that getting a certain tute would result in 2 days off, rather than one. Consequently the demand for spots in this tute was so high that all spots were gone in the first 3 seconds after...
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    What is love?

    What a man says he feels in order to get some action. It is irrelevent whether or not he feels love as women define it.
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    highest mark in a subject at uni

    I've heard of someone who got 99 & 100 for the two 1st year maths subjects in engineering.
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    The Coles Thread

    They have two ways. 1. Items Scanned/Time Signed in 2. Items per transaction/Transaction time* Scan Rate= Average of 1 and 2. For everyone else saying that get scan rates of 100+ items per minute, I don't believe you because our store average is around 11 item per minute. I know we're a slow...
  10. D

    Speeding demerits to be lowered

    Yes, but 17 year old red p platers can't. That is what Exphate was getting at.
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    How Does HECS work?

    Does HECS pay for my living expense like food, or money for me to go out on friday night?
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    Textbooks editions

    Use the search function next time
  13. D

    Speeding demerits to be lowered

    The reason P platers are treated so harshly is because then the government can be seen to be doing something to 'protect children' with no chance of repercussions (after all 17 year olds can't vote). Imagine the backlash that would occur if speeding meant automatic loss of licence for all drivers.
  14. D

    Which lectures are compulsory to attend in my first semester units?

    Hard is a really subjective term. Some may find maths easy and writing essays hard. The opposite is true for others.
  15. D

    Which lectures are compulsory to attend in my first semester units?

    Not at MQ so my advice is general. Stats tend to have lectures who are boring and as a result you only absorb about 10-20% of the knowledge. If you find that you can teach yourself maths easily then you can avoid them. If you find maths difficult then you should go because it may be helpful to...
  16. D

    drink bottles to uni

    I'm losing my faith in humanity with all these uni questions threads.
  17. D

    textbook editions

    It will depend on the textbook. Usually the editions are very similar (e.g. only types updated, formatting may be different etc). However sometimes there is a huge jump between editions (say if there is a new law passed or scientific discovery) so it really depends on the subject matter as to...
  18. D


    Since I haven't done this particular subject (I go to a different uni) I'll assume it is like a first introductory accounting course. It shouldn't be too hard to pass, but if you are not interested you may find the work tedious and very boring. However I think a majority of people passed the...
  19. D

    whats the best way to get to uni?

    Depends on the uni campus and where you live. For most uni's public transport is the go because it is more convenient, and generally cheaper. However if there is no public transport option that is easy for you to access then driving is your best bet. In all my time at uni i've never once met any...
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    Savings and Investments

    Commonly people would say investing in shares is the purchase of shares (a small ownership fraction of a business). However the word 'investing' will have different meanings to different groups.