LOL can just imagine going trying it on some random and getting bitch slapped haha.
But seriously just talk to her whats the worst that can happen, she says no big deal, fuck her off and move on then lol.
I don't get why people lie about it either. I guess it's because it's seen as socially acceptable to be having sex by the age of 15/16 now and if you haven't had sex by 16 your labeled some kind of wierdo it really is narrow minded and sad. I'm 17 and i'll admit i'm a virgin I don't see the big...
See if you hadn't walked away and stayed after you said it you wouldn't have got the same response it's weird. Because you walk away they have some sudden urge to talk to you but if you don't walk away they don't bother lol.
Yeah it's not good for high school otta see the person too much lol.
I agree it works best when out and drunk because you don't really care what the result is lol.
Some girls seem to like the 'cold approach' when you have a sense of humour about it like a stupid pick up line. It gets a laugh and a number and really helps break the ice and gets a conversation going.
It's not a big deal. Like me personally don't care if the girl im with is taller then me. I'm fairly tall myself so even if she is it's not a big deal. In saying that though if it's some huge difference like shes huge and made me feel tiny I couldn't handle that lol.
If I ever found myself saying that was too much curves i'd slap myself lol. Curves are the best especially if a girl knows how 2 use them to her advantage.
Dw 99% of normal guys like curves it is a whole lot sexier then skin and bones.
And any guy who would prefer skin and bones over womanly curves doesn't know what he's missing out on lol
Fuck that lol i'd rather just drive auto. Especially when you can't work that much cause of school so the little money you get you don't wanna waste on driving lessons.