we actually haven't gotten our yearly ranks but half yearlies i was like....
9th/20th for Mathematics
and 7th/11th for Extension English
Advanced English I was 6th/50
Well at the moment these are my subjects:
Mathematics, Advanced English, Ext. One English, Biology, Chemistry (Accelerated, exam's in 2 and a bit weeks) Drama and Studies of Religion One.
I want to drop to general maths and also drop Extension English, but i'm not sure whether to wait until...
Our lowest was 22% and highest was 82%
I got 54%.
I was pissed, but it's an improvement, i suppose.
I think the CSSA was hard though... i hope it's not an indication of our HSC marks.
it was decent... my first 3hr exam. Because we haven't done CMM yet, we had replacement questions. We had one on the battery (dry cell) where you had to draw a diagram. and overall eqn and stuff like that. we then had a 6 marker on sulfur content in fertiliser that killed me....
iodine also...
No-one replied, but i ended up getting high 80% in the speech
techniques i used were....
1. Each chapter shows a different perspective on the situation
2. Flashbacks aka the boyfriend
3. First-Person Narration
hope that helps
We did Shipwrecks after Acidic Environment, and we just finished that 2 days ago. We did all the stuff on Ozone as a research assignment a while ago, and then after the trials we will finish off the rest of CMM (we did most of the pracs on an excursion to sydney uni :D)
I'm an accelerated student, taking a break from study - _ - and i was wondering how everyone on this board are going rank-wise and stuff.
ATM my assessment mark is 47.3/60 and my rank is about 7th/14
Pretty bad, i know.:headbang:
Im doing this novel as my additional text, for the topic "Changing Perspectives'. I need 3 techniques which help show a change in perspective. Im really stuck, could anyone help?
Cheers :)