Well... main reason for going for the few months is
1 - its difficult for both my partner and I to get time off work at the same time 2 2 - its been scheduled in with our work and approved,
3 - We both have meetings scheduled with some companies whilst we are over in Canada and the States so...
At the moment im only at 23k, but by July 08 I will have approximately 45k (the 45k is for my partner and I)
We have allocated a 20-25k budget per person .... and I have no idea if thats enough money.. so until i look into real detail I guess it will have to do...
But the last thing i want...
Okay well i've allocated 45k for me and my partner... As i havent looked into it with detail just yet, but im assuming that I've allocated enough to enjoy our trip??
Well as some of you know im taking 4-5 months off work next year (and uni) and travelling around the world!! I know its probably not the right thread and that it should be in the Travel thread however I know some of you have done some overseas stints and would like your feedback on where to go...
Well from my understanding yes, thats correct as I pay upfront and i got the discount, however one of my gf's normally pays upfront but isnt paying until mid March so she will be paying discounted fees plus the $200 (as long as she does so before March 31)
There were late fees last year but...
Well the get healthy part is starting to come into line..(besides the fact im munchin on M&M's at the moment) but the study part... i just cant seem to get into..
Back to the healthy part of things... my aim is to get back to my pre uni weight , by end of April so thats a good 6-8 kilos - ill...
That is true, the banks look at your HECS as when I went to get my house loan 3 years ago one of the first questions on the one of many forms i completed stated if you have a HECS debt what is your outstanding balance...(lucky for me... no HECS debt) so i could borrow more for the house as it...
Okay now im confused... I know i am definately CSP (as it has that on my invoice) but i have to pay upfront, if i dont then i get the 200 late fee?
So out of curiosity, how does that work?
For me, work pays for uni so thats an added bonus.. therefore its paid upfront.. however even if work didnt pay then I would probably still pay upfront! :)
but i still have a CSP just incase that for some reason I forget to get the invioce in on time that there is no stupid charge attached to...
Today my BOS anonymity was broken..... as i finally met Fornstar in a lecture - how odd.... anyways I would love to support the girl world here but I work during the day.... so you will all have to party without me on this occassion!!
Miss Daisy dont be upset.... in my opinion if you Pass you Pass... at the end of the day that is all that matters... I got a Pass for BUSL250 and Im just glad its done its over and I dont need to do it again.
IMO if you dont want honours a degree is a degree and trust me... we dont ask what...
.... Are they released at midnight?.... at the moment mine says
....not released.....
so im hoping its in the system and I can log on after midnight and they will appear...
Re: Semester 1 2007 Buy and Sell Thread
STAT170 Txt - Modern Statistics, A Graphical Introduction By Don McNeil $15.00
pm me if you are interested
I'm looking forward to going back to uni, especially after summer school (main reason is that I SIMPLY WANT TO HURRY UP AND GET MY DEGREE !!!!) So the way i see it, is the sooner I start the sooner I finish!