I have lots of questions/need info..
- What is the best place to do B Engineering (Chemical) & B Science (quality of degree/best prospects of job, etc)?
- Pros or cons about the two above (or about certain unis)?
- How many females do Chemical Engineering? (I wanna know, coz i don't wanna be...
Chem Teacher: (to kid) Hurry up and do your work!
Kid: I'm done!
Teacher: Jeez, if he's done, everyone should be done, so lets go through the answers!
:p :rofl:
Same teacher, while making esters recently:
Teacher: Ok, i think we did well with all the esters, and i'm glad they're all...
Age Difference...
I know someone who is 17 (female) and is dating a 22yo (male).
Some people think the age difference is too big, but others find it ok.
So, personally, what age difference between a couple do you think is 'too big'?
I got my assessment back for DV/Run Lola Run the other day... I got 10/20.. it doesn't seem that good but i was ranked 40th/116 or so in that assessment and 23rd overall :D
Any other good results back from anyone?