I'm trying to do an HSC paper everyday and skip the questions that I haven't covered at school and go back to them later.
Just going to re-read Frankenstein and my related texts again.
But otherwise, just gonna chill and enjoy the last days of high school D:
Well yeah, it should be relevant to the question. :)
BP1 = causes of the problem, types of the problem, give examples
BP 2 = negative/positive consequences, give statistics (e.g. Selon une étude récente...)
BP 3 = solutions to the problem
BP1 = social impact
BP 2 =...
These quotes should describe his character perfectly:
« une femme, à quoi elle me servirait ? »
« gratte-culs »
«Entre bossus, on se fréquente »
« Ugolin écoutait, stupéfait, les déclarations de ces aliénés, et il regrettait amèrement de s’être donné tant de mal à planter des épouvantails qui...
I've always been told by my teacher to just pick one side of the argument, because addressing both sides may make you seem indecisive and may make your speech seem like there's no specific direction.
Also answer the question in the first sentence of your speech - whether you agree or disagree.
Same, I get around 18-19 out of 20 at school too.
But I was so nervous on the day, I stumbled a lot. But I managed to get some subjunctives in..:)
Did you get really basic questions too? I tried to steer the conversation away to something more 'sophisticated', like talking about my future...
Yes it's fine in oral, but don't use it too much.
French people tend to skip out the "ne" part a lot in everyday language, so it's fine.
Just make sure you don't skip the "pas" part and only say "ne" because "ne" doesn't mean anything.
Bonne chance!
What time is yours? Mine's at 1:30 pm D:
Wow you have heaps of people doing French Extension! I only have three, including me! Which school do you go to?
Do you feel prepared for Fr Ext?
If not, why not just go to school, sit the exam for 2 hours then go home and hardcore study for other subjects? If you get a bad result for Fr Ext...