Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon
Why is the post-tax Gini Coefficient a better indicator of income distribution in Australia than the pre-tax Gini Coefficient? 3
I've never heard of the post tax Gini Coefficient and the pre tax Gini Coefficient but in the marking criteria it said that the post...
Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon
Anyone know how to answer this :/
Using TWO examples, discuss how market failure causes the misallocation of scarce resources in Australia. 4
Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon
Is it correct to make the assumption that if the RBA uses monetary policy to increase the cash rate, thus leading to a rise in interest rates through the transmission effect, that the levels of investments into Australia would increase due to the rate of higher...
I was doing well in my trial right until the last option 12 marker in which i didn't have enough time to answer properly :( Pulled me down heaps. Despite that I ranked 3rd and overall rank is 3rd. Our trial average for the cohort was 65% which I found was pretty low. I also don't like the...
Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon
Australia hasn't reacted well to the decline in the mining boom, which I guess is reflection of our two speed economy. Our great dependence on China as our mining export purchasers has recently been reflected as the decline in growth in China and the recent...
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
Justify the continued use of the Arrhenius definition of acids and bases, despite the development of the more sophisticated Bronsted Lowry definition. (4 marks)
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
Equal volumes of four 0.1 mol L−1 acids were titrated with the same sodium hydroxide
Which one requires the greatest volume of base to change the colour of the indicator?
(A) Citric acid
(B) Acetic acid
(C) Sulfuric acid
(D) Hydrochloric acid
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
I dont think the question meant "adding extra ammonia." I think they meant explain why the ammonia in the process itself is important. So I was thinking that since ammonia reacts with water and NaCl to form sodium hydrogen carbonate which then produces...
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
Compare and contrast the structure and cleaning action of anionic, cationic, and non-ionic detergents, including how they are affected by hard water. (4 marks)
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
Explain the importance of ammonia in the Solvay Process. Include a chemical equation to support your answer (3 marks)
Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon
In the short run, high levels of inflation result from high levels of economic growth. When eco growth is high, the level of unemployment reduces, due the increase in demand for labour and the ability of businesses to hire more workers due to higher profits...
Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon
Therefore S= 40
40= -100 +0.2 Y
100 is negative because consumption is 100 so a loss of 100 units of savings must have occurred
Solve for Y
Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon
What about adding a sentence or two on how the ageing population will increase the burden on health services (especially public health services) as many individuals are retiring and the workforce is decreasing, placing constraints on the limited health workers...