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  1. Q

    Help with Polynomial, please,

    Hmm, weird question, just by looking at it, it's pretty easy to prove without induction.
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    Game of Thrones

    They did get a budget increase just for Blackwater.. perhaps they wanted to spend it all :) By the way, yay for Podrick Payne! To be honest I haven't really been enjoying the Robb scenes as much as in Season 1. But Snow's been much better, and I am looking forward to Dany doing something other...
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    Game of Thrones

    bumping because blackwater Now that was a great hour of television, probably one of the best I’ve seen. Fantastic episode. Tyrion, Sansa, the Hound, Bronn, Joffrey, Stannis, even Shae. And drunk Cersei. Perfect acting and perfect CGI, absolutely no complaints from me. GoT is setting up a...
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    HSC 2012 MX1 Marathon #2 (archive)

    Re: HSC 2012 Marathon :) Two poles, 12m and 10m, are 8m apart. Wires stretch from the top of each pole to the foot of the other. Find the height of the point where the wires cross. (medium-hard)
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    HSC 2012 MX1 Marathon #2 (archive)

    Re: HSC 2012 Marathon :) \text{Let the sides of a rectangle, with constant perimeter 2d, be x and y, and length of diagonal be l.}\\l^{2} = x^{2} + y^{2}\\2x + 2y = 2d\\x + y = d\\l^{2} = x^{2} + (d-x)^{2}\\\text{Differentiating this gives}\\\frac{d}{dx} l^{2} = 2x - 2(d-x)\\\text{So the...
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    Rach 2 Movement 2? Sorry, couldn't resist :) I agree with twinklegal, the bottom line is that music is something to be appreciated. It doesn't matter if you can't play as well as the top performers. It's pretty clear to me that you do love music, and...
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    I went to see Lang Lang, SO MANY ASIANS. He attracts a completely different audience (i.e. asian pianists who have been told by their parents to go :D) But I was an idiot and bought his recital performance, since he played a few pieces from Albeniz's Iberia, which I love, and didn't get the Rach...
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    Wow! I'm sure it'll be great- it's a nice concerto :) I've always enjoyed the concerts at the Opera House. Went to Dvorak's New World last year, just magnificent. I haven't actually listened to Shostakovich much. I might try his Cello Concerto then, since it is one of my favourite instruments...
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    Butterfly is just a lovely piece. Actually, most of Chopin's music is great- ballades, sonatas, and a very underrated Barcarolle. Although I do prefer to listen to orchestral more, it just gives a whole new dimension that a piano can't unfortunately. Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky Korsakov...
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    Encore 2011 (in 2012)

    Eh, if you do extension composition and it's an accessible ensemble who knows? Still might get into encore. Yeah I meant if you actually did get 50/50 you definitely would be nominated, but getting picked is something else. You must go to a really good school if 4 people managed to get 50/50 for...
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    Game of Thrones

  12. Q

    Encore 2011 (in 2012)

    I agree that a few performances weren't so good. I can think of one in particular. But the thing is, they have to put in a variety of different ensembles/instruments, and genres. For example, personally, I haven't heard of an Australian work from the last 25 years that I would ever want to...
  13. Q

    Complex no. sum

    Thanks math man, that was kinda what I did (and I found my mistake). But wouldn't a+bc = rcis\theta + r^{2} cis(\alpha + \beta) instead of a+bc = r(cis\theta + cis(\alpha + \beta))
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    Game of Thrones

    To me, that Littlefinger-Cersei scene was a bit jarring, only because I've read the books and he would have never done something that stupid.... but it got the point across. "Power is power". The bastard killing had to happen, and what great execution. It was powerful and in-your-face and...
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    Complex no. sum

    I think I have made a mistake somewhere, but is the answer just r^3 where r=modulus.
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    Game of Thrones

    haha... my first thought was "he's so much better looking than his father" Um, maybe the first book. It's been so long since the first season that it might be a bit confusing following the numerous subplots. Plus it's an excellent read. Probably don't read book 2 before watching, I think the...
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    Half Yearly Results Thread

    I hoped it might. It's better when you work out something rather than being explicitly told :) Good job on all of your test results btw. On track for Dux of the year again.
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    Game of Thrones

    Don't worry, I'm sure karma will strike... if you know what I mean :wink: But seriously, I've read all the books, and they were what got me into this great series. And I wonder how non-book readers think of it. I actually think I'm missing out on quite a bit of the tension since I kinda know...
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    Game of Thrones

    Season two wooooooooo. I never realized how good of an actor Jack Gleeson (Joffrey) is. Game of Thrones? Anyone? Anyone?
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    Half Yearly Results Thread

    Math Ext 2 50/52 Math Ext 1 49/51 :)