haha thankyou ever so much, here i was thinking he was serious.
that could have been embarrassing.
nah serious planning time now.
step 1: make pass at female interviewer
first one i've done.. i'm fairly confident though, i'm very very good in that sort of situation, my relatively meagre resume is what i consider the weak part of my overall ability to present a good image.
not to say i'm a shoo in or anything like that. i'd be quite surprised to actually get...
pretty sure i never notice a girls earrings unless they possess some ridiculous quality or unless i am directly instructed by someone to look at their's/another's earrings.
we could go all Spartan and trade with iron bars.
and then fail at trading seeing as other people don't want to exchange their beautiful gold coins for some crappy, rusty old poles
oh really? guess reverse is true as well.
i guess big 4 also have the ability to trial a big group of candidates less discriminately. if you have the resources to do it, you obviosuly want to keep your options open. guess smaller firms are kinda forced to only trial a few.
i also reckon it...
agreed. no offense to OP but this reminds me of plenty of 'i read a one plage blog and now i'm passionately opinionated about [x]' rants. not to say this is necessarily the case.
not really.. i guess mid tier and smaller firms probably know that the cream of the crop candidates are possibly out of their league. just as Big 4 know they are able pick and choose from the most desirable applicants. i know some 'super achiever' students who are good at everthing (the sort of...
pull a Mugabe, just ban inflation
we could also ban inequality, perhaps even unemployment.
on a sidenote,
Glenn Stevens goes to my church. I said to him that i guess i'm lucky to be doing HSC economics at such an interesting time, and he said "To be honest I'd prefer it to be a lot less...
haha i'm not excessively confident.. i can't remember ever learning the ratio of interviews offered to the places available for HLB, or many of the other firms for that matter.
they're offering 8 positions.. and its a group interview day. i'm not even sure if this is the penultimate stage or...
don't freak out =]=]
my friend missed the pkf call, they said they'd call back later that day.. they got back to him 6 days later.. and they offered him an interview.
HR are really busy with all this stuff =] most firms have said that they won't be able to finalise it all until a whole month...
yeah i know its ok =]
they said that would be fine at the start of the interview, but as it happened, i was sitting right here in front of the computer, checking over my list of responses for just the sort of questions that she asked me except i was preparing them for another firm haha. so i was...