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    Business studies raw mark

    I got 69 raw mark for business...I'm hoping for band 5, do you think I can get it ^
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    How do handle double exams during HSC

    Thanks for the tips so far These 2 subjects are my best/favourite subjects, so I really don't want to screw it up...because these are the subjects I can excel in... yeah I'm not really a vitamin/mineral person either I'll try my best not to stress :(:
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    How do handle double exams during HSC

    I have an exam on the 22/10 with Maths and Food tech Total of 6 hours...I have approx 90min in between the exam... What should I do on the night before? Which subject do I study more? And after my maths exam, how should Iprepare for my food tech exam? - eat a big lunch during the 90min + look...
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    Unfair or Fair Enough?

    pretty bullshit unfair in my opinion...
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    What to do after trials for the hsc?

    yeah i'm relaxing like crazy...heaps of movies done
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    Terrigal Schoolies 2012!!

    I'm trying to book Terrigal schoolies! BUT...there's a special period where they actually allow it from around 22nd Novemeber -3rd december I wanted the period of 11th Novemember - 18th but they are not allowing it
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    so UWS isn't that bad...I've been reading like for 2 hours about UWS and the courses.... how good are the facilities thou.?
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    Bill of exchange vs. Letter of Credit

    This is what I have in my notes Bill of exchange - document drawn by the exporter demanding payment from the importer at any time to me...this basically tells me that: the person who is buying the goods must have readily available funds...the person who is delivering has a contract/document...
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    How is everyone holding up?

    I'm basically remember the ratios
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    ATAR estimate - it's going to be pretty low

    so what ATAR position I'm looking at?
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    ATAR estimate - it's going to be pretty low

    I know my ATAR is going to be pretty low because my marks are appaling :(: School ranking is 62: Cherrybrook tech Bio - 70/107 Maths 2u - 90/149 (not very good for a 3u student but I'm planning to drop 3u, so it's not going to be counted) Food - 8/40 English(adv) - 147/231 Business - 41/104...
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    Should I drop 3u maths?

    alright thanks, I'll wait until I finish the 2u topics and drop
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    Should I drop 3u maths?

    so if I get like E2 or 23/50 for HSC it wouldn't affect the scaling of my other subjects?! My teacher said it would affect my other subjects and scale down :(
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    Should I drop 3u maths?

    Yeah I'll try one more assessment but the one coming up is Application to the physical world + induction and those are my worst topics :(: but if I do bad, would it affect the scaling of my other subjects?
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    Should I drop 3u maths?

    nah...all good man, I want these kind of tips yeah its most likely not going to count towards in my 10units but...I'm saying incase I screw up something in the actual HSC, yeah my parents say its all good and help your 2u mark, scale up etc. yeah sometimes I can't really put the motivation...
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    Should I drop 3u maths?

    I've been considering this since the mid of year 11...I'm currently in year 12 doing 11units. and I haven't passed (50%)a single 3u test, I'm off by like 3-6 marks I'm not one of those high ATAR/mark students, I'm just a semi-average (bit below) person I go to cherrybrook technology >...
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    free woolworths case study for AFI!

    yeah thanks heaps...i'm doing it in class right now and i need notes THANKS!
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    Does anyone read this section?

    nope! I didn't know there were such things! thanks
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    Does anyone read this section?

    Does anyone have notes or care to share? I'm doing nutrition as well...anyone else wanna share thoughts on the HSC
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    Notes pleasee!! :)

    yeah i want some too!