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  1. mcapuano

    Quick Withdrawing from Enrolment question

    There's no reason why you can't enroll in both courses :)
  2. mcapuano

    Late Round Offer chance?

    You have a good chance but you should accept your main round offer and enroll and then drop out of your current course if you get an offer for Intl studies/media in the next round, otherwise you may be left without any offers
  3. mcapuano

    What should i do???!!!!

    If you dislike math and harder sciences like chemistry and have a strong background in English than journalism, PR and media are all things you should look into, maybe marketing. Journalism isn't particularly hard but you should take into account that there isn't a strong job market for it.
  4. mcapuano

    Units of study help?

    You should probably take the fundamentals of physics class [PHYS1111] course first and then take Physics 1A in semester 2. A lot of people say that university physics is mostly maths, so without a strong math background you would most likely struggle.
  5. mcapuano

    Late round offer?

    Yep enrollment all done and changed prefs, now i play the waiting game
  6. mcapuano

    Late round offer?

    Thanks, really helped :)
  7. mcapuano

    Post Your 2014 University Offers Here

    B Science [Advanced Science] @ UNSW :]
  8. mcapuano

    Late round offer?

    I got into B Science [Advanced Science] at UNSW for the main round however my top preference was B Psychology; this degree has vacant positions [or at least did last year] thus I'd like to try again for it in the next round on the 30th and I'm wondering how I'd go about this. Do I just delete...
  9. mcapuano

    Girls & Guys: how much do you weigh?

    54 kg, 165 cm, BMI 20, 20% body fat all you twig bitches be thinner than me lol, i kid, i kid
  10. mcapuano

    What options do I have? - UWS

    It's because demand for UWS courses is much lower than the more prestigious unis, they always have spots that need filling
  11. mcapuano


    How much math do you have to know for PHYS1002?
  12. mcapuano

    Atar too low can I still make it?

    Well I don't think you're gonna get any more than 10 points tbh, 10 extra points is a lot. Might need to rethink your options
  13. mcapuano

    Help! Failed 2012 HSC and regret it badly, want to go to Uni now :(

    Yes it does have a cut-off it just hasn't been determined yet because it's a new course, the cut-off will be determined by the demand for the course. I'm fairly certain that to get from TAFE to uni you have to get a diploma which takes a while, usually about 2 years, so you might be better off...
  14. mcapuano

    What options do I have? - UWS

    What HSC band did you get for english standard and ancient history? If you got a band 6 for english standard or a band 6 or band 5 for ancient history then you get bonus points. You would only have to do one year of the bachelor of arts majoring in psychology and then if your grades are very...
  15. mcapuano

    Atar too low can I still make it?

    Have you applied for EAS? Did you apply for illness and misadventure during the exams?
  16. mcapuano

    Quick Question !

    You can do post-grad at any school, most people try to get into a better program at a more prestigious institution for their post-graduate degree.
  17. mcapuano

    USYD or UNSW?

    Agree with above poster, USYD for science/arts and UNSW for science/commerce
  18. mcapuano

    Pay to get in?

    I think if you offer to pay the FULL cost of tertiary education without government subsidies [like 20k a year?] then you can get in with any ATAR, that's just what I've heard.
  19. mcapuano

    Usyd Arts to Usyd Comm/arts according to the website you apply for a degree transfer through UAC so your ATAR is probably taken into significant consideration when it comes to transferring out of your course. You should contact...
  20. mcapuano

    What options do I have? - UWS

    Doesn't look like you'll make B Psychology as you're 18 points off, but the B Arts [Psychology] program is only a 70 to get in so if you're eligible for EAS or bonus points you could still make it...