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  1. MJRey

    Anyone going to see Pearl Jam in November?

    Also, I'm guessing you've listened to their new album Dark Matter... it's so good, seriously some of the best stuff they've pumped out!
  2. MJRey

    Anyone going to see Pearl Jam in November?

    I'm seriously considering it... the tickets are so expensive though but I'd love to go!
  3. MJRey

    2024 EE2 Thread

    Sure, I'd be happy to help!
  4. MJRey

    Othello related text

    Haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird but from what I know about it, that should work fine! Here's a couple of other texts that could work: 1. The Talented Mr Ripley 2. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (the novel, don't know if people will take the movie seriously)
  5. MJRey

    2024 EE2 Thread

    As someone who really loved doing EE2, I'm so sad to read all these comments saying y'all hate it. Like what happened? And interesting that people are using ChatGPT. When I started my major work it didn't even exist. Not trying to attack anyone, I just find it interesting that people are using...
  6. MJRey

    MGMT3002 Reviews

    Since when did my question about a uni management course become a discussion thread on UTS maths??
  7. MJRey

    MGMT3002 Reviews

    I'm aware of that, I want to take it because it's part of a project management minor I want to do. I just want to hear from anyone who's done the course on things like whether the lecturer's good or whether the workload's reasonable (the goal is to partly lessen the workload next semester...
  8. MJRey

    MGMT3002 Reviews

    Highly doubt anyone will answer this, but just reaching out here for the heck of it. Would I be able to get some honest reviews on MGMT3002? I'm thinking of taking it next semester and want to hear about things like workload, lecture quality etc.
  9. MJRey

    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    Wine's my go to, but I can also handle beer and occasionally whisky, champagne or vodka. Guinness is also pretty good (one of my friends got me to try it and I thought I'd hate it but it wasn't bad).
  10. MJRey

    Any online English tutors?

    What texts are you doing?
  11. MJRey

    Is this normal for tutoring?

    As a tutor myself, I can verify that's not normal. If I did that to my students my boss would have me fired.
  12. MJRey

    What professions and industries do we anticipate AI will increasingly dominate in the coming decade?

    Even so, people will be needed to write code, build programs and maintain it
  13. MJRey


  14. MJRey

    Provisional Accreditation

    And if I really needed to be fully accredited, could I just do the competency test after I graduate and I'd be good to go?
  15. MJRey

    Provisional Accreditation

    Ok, thanks! So I if I wanted to apply to somewhere like ANSTO, Frazer-Nash or Mott McDonald I'd be ok with provisional accreditation?
  16. MJRey

    Provisional Accreditation

    Thank you so much! Are you an engineer?
  17. MJRey

    Provisional Accreditation

    Hey guys, I've been told by my uni that the new major they've introduced as of this year needs to be provisionally accredited, and I heard that the process to making it fully accredited will take about 5 years. I've looked around and saw that provisional accreditation means you don't meet...
  18. MJRey

    Is it true?

    Wow, that's big!
  19. MJRey

    Looking for a girlfriend please submit your applications

    Here's the official definition