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  1. MJRey

    Still don't know what to choose!!

    ANU has a general engineering program, where everyone studies the same content for two years and then specialises in their third year of study.
  2. MJRey

    Stop the bullying... it's disgusting

    Stop the bullying... it's disgusting
  3. MJRey

    18 and never had gf.

    Life can imitate art you know...
  4. MJRey

    thanks to everyone that answered :)

    Honestly, it's year 11. Those results don't matter in the long run and they don't really indicate how well you'll perform in year 12.
  5. MJRey

    EE2 2023 Thread

    That's amazing, well done and well deserved!!!
  6. MJRey


    I went to see it and LOVED IT. I went in thinking it would just be a cash grab (which it technically is), but it was surprisingly more rich than I had expected it to be. I agree with @nsw..wollongong though, I do think the amount of singing was overkill. Still good, but overkill cause at times...
  7. MJRey

    EE2 2023 Thread

    I wouldn't say Young Writer's Showcase because you don't want to appear to be overconfident/cocky about your work. I'd say maybe some kind of young adult science fiction reader's digest/short story collection.
  8. MJRey

    How hard is it to get a high distinction in uni????

    For Engineering subjects, it's extremely hard to get a HD. There's so much study, time and effort you have to put into one course, added to balancing all your other Engineering courses per semester and you're going to have hardly any time to socialise if you want the HDs. But trust me, you have...
  9. MJRey


    I want to go to a Radiohead concert desperately!!!
  10. MJRey


    There really shouldn't be any rush. I'm still on my L's cause uni's been so hectic and don't have that many hours, and a lot of my older friends who are at uni are in the same boat.
  11. MJRey

    EE2 2023 Thread

    Your synopsis looks really interesting. This is something I reckon I'd enjoy reading, and I think after you start writing you'll find ways to polish it and make it even better! Yes, Brave New World would be great to talk about for the Viva as one of its central concerns (correct me if I'm...
  12. MJRey

    EE2 2023 Thread

    Yeah, this idea sounds very promising. Like jimmysmith560 said, creative, critical or a script would be your best bets for the format. Because I completed a critical analysis for my HSC, I thought I'd share my insights on writer's block and offer a suggestion on how you could approach your...
  13. MJRey

    Ahhh..I got noone to go to schoolies with!!

    I just hung out with my close friends who were all outside of my school after I finished the HSC... schoolies really doesn't contribute much to society or your growth as a person.
  14. MJRey

    mod 5 physics past papers

    Your best bet would be finding mod 5 related questions from previous HSC exams
  15. MJRey

    How to start studying effectively from day 1 of year 11?

    Studying effectively from day 1 is impossible. Since you're transitioning from year 7-10 to year 11-12, it will take some time to adjust to the new demands in workload etc. As you go on throughout the year, you'll find the study habits and techniques that work for you. So don't feel bad if it...
  16. MJRey

    maths in focus

    It honestly depends on the topic. Sometimes Cambridge will overcomplicate the heck out of topics like statistics, so having more concise and easier explanations from MIF is much better to work with.
  17. MJRey

    Does anyone know what font is being used in the ss below?

    Hmmm couldn't say. But why is it important?
  18. MJRey

    "I don't read club"

    My degree has kept me so busy I haven't had time to read 😥 I want to change that when my exams finish in a few days though.
  19. MJRey

    I need to find Radiohead fans. Hello.

    Radiohead is my favourite band... LOVE LOVE LOVE their stuff!!!
  20. MJRey

    Go radioheadfan42! I also really love Radiohead (in fact they're my favourite band). My two...

    Go radioheadfan42! I also really love Radiohead (in fact they're my favourite band). My two favourites would have to be Fake Plastic Trees and Optimistic.