Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts
Yeah it was the question with the whales. I basically said that the whales loose weight and didn't relate the question to Natural Selection and changes in the environment. I was a little confused cause whales migrate between warm and colder waters anyway but it...
I'm doing the Crime Fiction Genre, got 62% which was average. The essay question was okay except for the last bit of it. The story was good and I went for the cliche of the lady reeling in shock over a dead body (well it was a red herring because she was the kiler. Not sure if that's good or bad.)
Re: CSSA Bio exam thoughts
I did the same thing. Apart from getting Lamark and Darwin's theory of evolution confused in the exam :o I did alright. 72%, not as good as I would have liked but alright.
Hmm, seems my sarcasm senses failed me that time. Oh well. I don't care.
I'm probably going to sound like a total hypocrite but there's one thing about swearing. Depending on how much you do it it shows you have a very narrow vocabulary. So low that you have to insert such words to make up for it.
Depends whether you are colour blind or not :rolleyes:it is blue but I won't go into the science of it.
Edit: Wohoo! I'm doing four units of English and my spelling is absolutely crap. Thank God for spell check.
I was having a debate with a guy in Year 11 who believes that religion is the main cause of poverty. Only I disagreed believing that money, resulting in greed particularly in certain countries, is the cause of poverty and poverty is not dictated by religion but by the amount of money someone has...
Well I haven't said much other than puncuated equillibrium isn't plausible. Perhaps you're right, I don't really fully understand it, or there is some confusion in my thinking. Heh, I'd do well in a debate with Richard Dawkins *cough* *chough* let alone my Biology teacher who probably wouldn't...
In terms of speciation by the process of natural selection the organisms aren't vastly different from the original species. They are still the same class. I'm probably going to end up contradicting myself the way this is going. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are still bacteria, even though there...
I just don't get the whole thing with organisms turning into completely different organisms. Granted evolutionists say it takes a very long time. Or why some organisms can't seem to make up their mind (pardon me I know there is no thought involved in the process), wether they want to be in the...
I disagree on that. I think its the other way around. No human is perfect, we have all done bad things, maybe not what human society would consider really bad (such as murder), we still fight with other people, said hurtful things or really dislike them (there are times were I won't blame anyone...
I myself believe that God exists and do not believe in evolution, despite being an enthusiastic Biology student. I will note on your post that the evidence for evolution cannot be denied, you'll probably find a couple of chapters devoted to it in most HSC bio textbooks. But the fact is that...
Most people at my school will tell you our English Department is the worst, well at least everyone in year 12 does.
We do tend to get more than one assessment at a time sometimes, so we might end up doing two at once or finishing one and going straight onto the next.
The episode The Siege was based of a real incident involving the media.
From Wikipedia (I love wiki):
this episode is a thinly veiled reference to a highly controversial real-life incident, in which Mike Willesee interviewed gunmen and hostages on-air. [1]