Ok so i bombed out in 2 subjects primarily general maths 16/48 , economics 9/10, i'm sure that my rank will be dropped. Any chance of redeeming myself in the externals? accumulative 55% for eco. * marks & ranks are pretrials, have yet to receive marks back *
So in general is it possible to make...
Ranks not so flashy but anyways
Advanced english 22/48
Ancient history 10/30
Biology 14/35
Economics 9/10
General maths 19/48
School Rank - 380's
Results are as current, WILL fluctuate after trials :)
Those rankings provided the rankings for the desired assessments, So in other words you mean assessment ranks don't really determine what i'm actually ranked in my class?
Originally ranked 8/30. Now with the new mark of 60% due to effort placed in other assessments i'm not too sure . Teachers refused to give out rankings..
Received my mark for ancient history today 60% for a weighting of 15 ?
for the first assessment i achieved 80 ( weighting 20% )
Would this affect my final assessment mark dramatically?
Final assessment mark aim : 80 for ancient.
Thanks for the replies , I'll keep chem and try work harder at it I'm just getting 70's atm and its letting me down :(
And with changing schools is there a thread on this forum about Decent schools? Term 2 isn't too late is it?
@ "lolsmiths" reply What do you mean it'll be more of a hassle ...
Hi everyone , I'm a new member to this forum.
Anyways onto topic. So I'm currently attending a private school ( low rank) and i was thinking since my school is low ranked , would that drastically pull my marks down for the HSC? and since term 2 is after the holidays and I've got assessments...