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  1. R

    atar estimate

    How are there 70 people in 2u but 90 in 3u??
  2. R

    ATAR estimate please!

    School rank: 20ish Subjects: English Advanced - rank 41/121 General Maths - rank 1/63 Economics - rank 17/35 Business Studies - rank 2/30 Studies of Religion II - rank 36/69 Music 1 - rank 6/6 (I'm guessing this one won't count, mainly doing it for shits and gigs) Our school usually gets...
  3. R

    Worth combining my communications degree with law?

    I'm pretty much set on doing a BA Communication (Public Communication) at UTS, but I was wondering whether people think it would be worth combining it with a B Law. Jobs in creative advertising are supposed to be ridiculously competitive and the salaries are very low so I figure if i combine it...
  4. R

    Best uni/course for creative advertising?

    So my dream job is to be a copywriter at an advertising agency. I'm struggling to figure out what course would be most useful to me. I can't decide whether to do a business degree or a communications degree. While it seems that a communications degree would allow me to focus on advertising...
  5. R

    Year 11 Yearly Results

    Nope. They were all school-made except for music.
  6. R

    Year 11 Yearly Results

    Adv English: 71% (Bombed this hard. Worst English mark in a long time for me) Rank = 42/102 Math 2u: 55% (lol I'm doing general in year 12 so didn't try) Rank = 68/88 Modern History: 83% (Was surprised by this since I suck at history and am dropping it) Rank = 24/80 Economics: 91% (Very happy...
  7. R

    ATAR Aim & desired uni course

    ATAR aim: 95+ Course aim: BA Communication (Public Communication - Advertising) @ UTS OR B Media (PR & Advertising) @ UNSW