Search results

  1. lyounamu

    Blood product

    If we talk about blood products, do we just talk about products directly derived from the blood such as platelets, white blood cells and etc??? Or do we also have to incorporate products that are made from those products like albumin?
  2. lyounamu

    Cadetship VS Co-op

    I am sure this has been discussed before. All the discussions are scattered throughout the forum. So I have decided to make a thread about this. Please compare them in terms of workload, pay, prestige (?), difficulty of getting in and etc. Thanks!
  3. lyounamu

    "Not belonging is hard, but belonging is harder"

    What are your comments? I need as much idea as possible on this one. Thanks!!!
  4. lyounamu

    Scaling of the course

    I am completely aware of the fact that scaling of the course is determined by the calibre of the students in general. However, I have been looking at several scaling reports and came to weird conclusion, I mean, let's take this as an example. The top UAI from people who took SOR I had 100...
  5. lyounamu


    Does anyone really use QuickChat? As a premium member, you have this QuickChat where you can go and talk to fellow Bosers online. But to be honest, I don't think this function is that useful at all because: There aren't many Premium members We premium members hardly know about this Even...
  6. lyounamu

    Exam question

    In my 3 Unit exam, one of the question was like this: A group consisting of 3 men and 6 women attends a prize giving ceremony. If 5 prizes are awarded at random to members of the group, find the probability that exactly 3 of the prizes are awarded to women if there is no restriction on the...
  7. lyounamu

    Learning language while at Uni

    I want to learn Language while at uni but I don't want to do a course related to one. Is there anyway that I can do some formal course(s) outside uni to learn language? The language that I want to learn is Japanese. I used to be quite good at it but not coming back to the language in the...
  8. lyounamu

    My short story

    Hey, guys. This is my short story about the concept of belonging and this basically outlines my experience when I first arrived in Australia. This is a DRAFT. I know how poor written this is (in terms of word chocie and etc.) I am not asking for a marking. I am only asking for you guys to...
  9. lyounamu

    Brief question about my future career

    Hey I am in Year 12 at the moment and I thought that it would be good to start thinking about what I really want to do in future. I have been thinking of few possibilities, here we go: - completeing an actuarial degree & maths degree (i.e. double degree) at macquarie or at unsw -...
  10. lyounamu

    talking to strangers

    How do you guys do that? I will soon go to some place where I will meet full of yeah...
  11. lyounamu

    gene & allele

    What's the difference?
  12. lyounamu

    Case Studies?

    When do you case studies? I have flicked through HSC, and I don't know when you would use case studies...
  13. lyounamu

    Ultimate Guide to HSC Mathematics

    Hello, fellow bosers. My name is Namu Lyoo and I am here to hand this guide upon YOU. I have done 2 unit mathematics and 3 unit mathematics for HSC last year (2008 HSC) as an accelerant and achieved good marks in both. So please don't post a crap saying that I don't have an experience and...
  14. lyounamu

    Maximising the benefits of procrastination

    Any idea? Look my sig for my own ideas. I only follow two though...the other two are little unrealistic.
  15. lyounamu

    Acceleration HSC results issue

    Hello I have this little issue with one of my accelerated subjects and I have been wishing to know more about this problem I have. It will be great if someone could answer this with some depth of knowledge (and hopefully some evidences): This is a hypothetical situation: I accelerated in...
  16. lyounamu

    Blood donation

    I think I should try to donate some blood at this time around. I did one 2 years ago and I unfortunately missed out the opportunity last year as my school didn't operate the donation scheme last year. I heard that it's fine to donate blood like every 3 months but I am not sure if it...
  17. lyounamu


    Does anyone have permed hair? Can you use like product on that permed hair or is it just too much chemical on your hair???
  18. lyounamu

    2004/05 einstein &/or 2004/05 scaling reports on aligned vs scaled

    I am looking for some information on 2004/05 einstein (if they exist) and 2004-2005 scaling reports on aligned vs scaled marks. If anyone has them, please provide me a link or put an attachment here. Thanks
  19. lyounamu

    writing notes

    I am currently writing some notes on biology using the syllabus. But I have few obstacles that I am currently facing. For example, look at this syllabus dot point: Outline the role of the nervous system in detecting and responding to environmental changes Now, my problem is: I am...
  20. lyounamu

    Looking for people to mark my essays

    I am looking for people to help mark my essays. Hopefully, the marker are thoroughly familiar with the topics related to the concept of Belonging and English (Standard) materials. BTW, I am going to be doing the The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Educating Rita and some...