Search results

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    Career prospects for arts? (in particular, international and something like media)

    Re: Career prospects for arts? (in particular, international and something like media out of interest, what are you planning to do with a science advanced maths degree
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    Career prospects for arts? (in particular, international and something like media)

    Re: Career prospects for arts? (in particular, international and something like media remember, not all degrees in university lead to career. Remember, it's university so it's also a place where people simply study a course they are interested in like philosophy. It doesn't mean it will get you...
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    Career prospects for arts? (in particular, international and something like media)

    Re: Career prospects for arts? (in particular, international and something like media What was history extension like? Is it interesting? Do you do a bachelor of arts? :)
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    Why is Law so popular?

    I knew a lot of people do it for the prestige, because you might make a lot of money and the not wasting their ATAR. But I thought a large number of people were genuinely interested in the law. However Law is not considered as prestigious in other countries. I know people in France and they...
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    what are the best degrees for humanities-loving people

    at the moment I would be interested in working for an organisation or overseas. I like to write also. I wouldn't mind travelling also if I can experience a new culture, language. I want a job where I can learn new things. I thought of Law as an option but I'm not sure. I see that you study...
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    what are the best degrees for humanities-loving people

    For all students who are studying a humanities degree at uni like Bachelor of Arts, bachelor of international studies, languages. What type of job prospects are there for humanities students. I love the humanities do all the histories, English, languages, society and culture. But what are the...
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    Why is Law so popular?

    For all those who are studying law and for all those who plan to study or are thinking of studying law. Why is Law such a popular subject in almost all Universities? Is it because there is some pre-conceived idea that Lawyers make money Are there other career options with a law degree? Is it...
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    Combined Law

    My friend is actually doing a doctor of philosophy in Law at the University of Sydney. He does research. I happened to be on the law forum when he saw this thread.
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    Combined Law

    also i've noticed you're doing a lot of maths. I'm not saying you can't do maths but i would think that taking some modern history and taking a few more languages would be helpful along with maths. if you're good at maths have you considered Actuarial Studies or engineering. You can still work...
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    Combined Law

    I writing this from a friends account: Being a magna cum laude graduate from the University of Sydney, and having completed a doctorate in Law. Let me provide some insights as I was once in your opinion, I have experienced the years of law school and have known several people who chose the law...
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    UWS is not the most ideal choice for engineering, however if you believe you may not get the ATAR possible than try maybe Macquarie or UWS as you say. It is true that new courses are sometimes risky as you are unsure what the outcome is. Like the bachelor of creative writing was a new course at...
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    Bachelor of Science (Advanced) & Bachelor of Science @ USYD

    If you want a pathway to medicine, it is better to do medical science or pharmacy as it gives you a more health-related background. Medical science is the most straightforward option.
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    Getting a very high ATAR (99+) with humanities subjects

    I am currently nearing year 12. I am doing well in most of my subjects (except maths!). I was wondering what type of marks would you have to get in basically all humanities subjects like modern/ ancient history, SAC, Advanced english, french to get an ATAR of 96-97+. I know any combination...
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    Are preliminary results an indicator of how you will perform in HSC?

    sometimes. if you find the work difficult now and still work hard, perhaps it may indicate that you have a weakness in the subject. on the other hand you may be scoring well now but year 12 gets harder and so does the marking. Also, take into account the stress and pressure. Consider getting a...
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    Bachelor of Science (Advanced) & Bachelor of Science @ USYD

    My friend does bachelor of science (advanced) at USYD and wrote this: bachelor of science (advanced) requires a fairly higher atar than bachelor of science. The advanced course is by no means easier however, if you are a gifted science student the advanced course will be rewarding. It is quite...
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    What is the workload of history extension and should I make it my 14th UNIT!!

    Just saying I picked up history extension as a 14th unit. I will obviously have to drop something as i know I can't handle 14 units however I need to do my yearlies and maybe see how things turn out in term 1 before I make a rash decision. Thanks for all your advice. I know history extension...
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    About ancient history ????

    Ancient History is generally interesting. I think it depends on the way it is taught that affects whether u like it though. For example you could be learning about Ancient Persia or something, but your teacher only hands worksheets out or something. Also, Ancient History is highly focused on...
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    What is the workload of history extension and should I make it my 14th UNIT!!

    I think for me, extension english is the most time consuming. I mean sometimes I don't do much in the subject, I just have to read a bit. But then other times like now the teacher makes us do five different things: essays, journal etc. at the same time as preparing for an extension eng. oral...
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    yes, it's good to do a more laid back subject, you'll thank yourself during the year! Don't do chemistry unless you are really good at science and dedicated. Chemistry is not easy, most chemistry students who perform well get tutoring because the concepts and ideas are quite difficult to grasp...