Hey, i'm sorry i wasn't on yesterday.
I had to have my beauty sleep lol, okay i admit it, i fell asleep at 8:30pm or so. Don't know how that happened, i just wanted to have a nap and next thing i know, i wake up it's 3am...
long time no talk, how are you goin?
I'd say that if the creator of this world wanted man and woman to make babies, thereby continue to reproduce, he would have been smart enough to make both women and men want sex.
I knew someone would bring up so called "vestigial organs".
Well, first, it may be that we haven't worked out their function and role in our body. I say this because at one time the tonsils were considered a vestige until they discovered that it helps produce anti-bodies. So, it might be that...
Well, finally someone is using their head.
It's fair to say that everything in this world has a function and role. Insofar as, i would say if women didn't want sex as much as men then procreation would not be as effective if only one gender wants it and the other doesn't.