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    How much of the HSC course have you completed?

    Oh! So tell me how you got "Psyche" published? PM me if you like. I'd appreciate it.
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    Inter-racial Dating

    Fail whale!!!!
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    Class of 2010, what is your Ideal Income

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    Class of 2010, what is your Ideal Income

    If $250 per week is bad, would $500 a week be ideal to anyone?
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    Class of 2010, what is your Ideal Income

    You want to become a writer/artist/musician?
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    How do u waste your time ?

    I waste my time by using capped internet to look for books and doing research for school. I also waste time by being lazy i.e. not doing any studying after a long shift at work.
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    Hello, I'm asking a question on behalf a friend who asked me something rather interesting that i didn't know the answer to. She wants to know: when she should tell Centrelink about her TWO WEEK temporary employment? Like when she gets paid by her employer or after her last shift.. etc She...
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    Inter-racial Dating

    What's wrong with black girls????? Are you racist to your own kind?
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    Inter-racial Dating

    What's wrong with black girls????? Are you racist to your own kind?
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    How do u waste your time ?

    Cause your black ones are ugly, right?
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    How much of the HSC course have you completed?

    What's self-thought exactly? You mean you did the exercises in your head?
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    Class of 2010, what is your Ideal Income

    That's what i thought too! I earnt $280 from 4 shifts somewhere...
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    Class of 2010, what is your Ideal Income

    $26k per annum? seriously? Well, i would be happy with about $60,000 a year.
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    Inter-racial Dating

    Go away..
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    Inter-racial Dating

    I would not do African.
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    beautiful girls

    Well, to stay on topic i got a lot of inappropriate comments from teenagers in particular about me. I just brush them off...
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    beautiful girls

    You're very welcome. No, i'm actually pretty tired from the Easter Show.
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    beautiful girls

    KEYWORD: 'most'.
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    OFFICIAL Easter Show Thread

    Really? I felt today was pretty busy... probably cause of the kids half price tickets and last chance at buying stuff...that is marked down showbags... I MISS THE SHOW. :( I saw robosaurus, the Freestyle motorcross show, toyota hilux stunts, etc Omggg sooo good.
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    what causes cellulite?

    I have cellulite too. :(