Be quite interesting to hear how an amino acid imbalance first of all occurs in an average healthy male and then causes a muscle spasm, seeing how amino acids are one of the most tightly regulated values in the body and that muscle contractions are effected by action potentials and the release...
Anyone could, but nobody has to.
I don't drink for a couple of reasons, I don't smoke because I think it's stupid. Others are free to do what they like, different strokes.
The wrestler in the OP preaching about it is infinitely worse than the boys going for drinks on a fri night or whatever
A cramp will feel like the muscle is having a spasm, they can be quite painful but personally I think they feel nice. They are caused by your golgi tendon organ having a brainfart and going psycho for a bit, stretching helps
Pulling a muscle is entirely different, it's basically tearing it...
Nice work, looked like you had a lot more in the deadlift and squat
Your bench press surprised me, though
Also not getting the green light cos of a foot turning would arc me right up
First time in the gym you get excited and wanna try heaps of shit out, that's cool
But you did waaaay too much
I do 4 exercises p bodypart, so for main chest day at the moment:
Flat bench
Incline bench
Tricep pulldowns
Dumbell flat bench
Then for main back day:
Barbell rows...
Were I ever to get married I would have a prenup for situations such as cheating or whatever
Can't really see how these laws would even benefit, you should just take your shit and divide dual assets as fairly as possible, if you disagree lawyer up and make sure you pay for the better one
This is something I've always wondered about
For example when you see/read about some horrible dictator and his minions and you think cmon population, fuck his shit up you got numbers
Generally the most common deterrent is the fact that the 'bad guy' in question has access to stuff the peons...