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  1. A

    Your sex life in 3 pokemon moves

    1. charm 2. attract 3. encore
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    pretty upset u?

    pretty upset u?
  3. A

    hello :) thanks

    hello :) thanks
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    Does James Ruse select there maths ext. 2 class?

    yeah met a fair amount of them.
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    Does James Ruse select there maths ext. 2 class?

    i believe it's a minority.
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    2010 HSC dates?

    do u get off during exams??
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    The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

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    Does James Ruse select there maths ext. 2 class?

    Yeah, i have. he was asian and nerdy. :)
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    The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

    Hey guys where i can watch the whole series? I watched the first episode of it in class and loved it. So funny and hilarious. Anyone else?
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    Does James Ruse select there maths ext. 2 class?

    hahahahahahha omggg do james ruse people have a life?
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    ITT: facebook groups/pages

    'Your turban looks nice today' 'Thanks, i straightened it' | Facebook
  12. A

    ITT: facebook groups/pages

    The best way to break up: 'It's not you, it's.....your turban' | Facebook 'Your turban looks nice today' 'Thanks, i straightened it' | Facebook
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    ITT: facebook groups/pages

    my turban fell of while i was mkaing bbys
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    Does James Ruse select there maths ext. 2 class?

    what's so good about 4unit maths? isn't it for people who have no life?
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    Very Sad !!

    bad way or just a nickname? i know it's used for another purpose.
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    Very Sad !!

    okkayy cool
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    2010 HSC dates?

    ur joking?
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    Very Sad !!

    Nooo this is sharon her friend.
  19. A

    Very Sad !!

    Oh yeah and my school rank is abysmal less than 600 most years.
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    Very Sad !!

    far 2% ext 1 and 28% for maths in the TRIALS??? GUYS, how important are the trials? i really wanna make a comeback and do well. i've been passing subjects only and even failed maths. i would like a minimum of 90 ATAR. but i've been getting bad assessment marks in maths and, for eco i got 85%...