Search results

  1. meilz92

    HELP ME PLEASE!!! combined commerce @ usyd

    i live wayyy out west near penrith/hawkesbury, and next year i was thinking about doing B Com/B Sc at usyd. only problem is, it takes nearly 1.5 hours to get there by train, and another 1.5 hours to get back from where i live :S so i was wondering 1. what is the workload like for a combined...
  2. meilz92

    car accidents

    Has anyone ever had a car accident, and had their confidence absolutely shattered? what did you do about it? because i had one today in a parking lot, and tomorrow i have to go christmas shopping... i am shitting myself about parking, especially considering the crowds at christmas time :'(...
  3. meilz92

    rep help?

    ok so usually it takes 100 points to gain a box, right? well i havent gained a box since 600 points now i have 855 points... whys this?
  4. meilz92

    Japanese man MARRIES fictional nintendo DS character...

    obtained from what the fuck?!
  5. meilz92

    Tutoring Tips?

    I think im getting a private tutoring job to tutor maths for a girl going into year 11 next year, and i was wondering if any current tutors could give me some tips on how to plan my lessons and what i should put into them. thanks!
  6. meilz92

    australian institue of music audition (help please, like seriously) [merged]

    okay, so i have this friend he really wants to do a Bachelor of Music, and so he's applied for UNE, UNSW, UNCLE and UWS. he only did Music 1 for his HSC, and his theory doesnt go beyond that. So for UNE and UNSW he didnt get in, due to his poor theory skills, but for UNCLE he only had to...
  7. meilz92

    negative rep

    okay, so whats the most number of bars of NEGATIVE rep that you can have? like i know you can have 5 red bars of negative rep, then a bar of orange rep (because i think thts the most ive seen here on bos) but what comes after the orange bars of rep? like, black rep or something?
  8. meilz92

    STAT test 2moro.. whose doing it?

    im doing the STAT test 2moro... is it going to make a difference whether or not we do the practice questions we got in that booklet? im only half heartedly doing this STAT test because im still not 100% sure whether i wanna do pharmacy or not (i know its bad) ive done about 3 'units' out of...
  9. meilz92

    uni offers...

    ok, so during the main round, we all get one uni offer right? what if we reject that offer? do we get an offer to our next preference?
  10. meilz92

    i cant walk in stilettos, formal is 2moro... help!

    okay, well i CAN walk in stilettos but its a reallllyyy wobbly walk. and they are soo painful on the balls of my foot! :| so how can i minimise the pain and stabilise my walk between now and like, 4pm tomorrow? i know ive left it late. but i only got shoes on wednesday! damn hsc :|
  11. meilz92

    URGENT: regarding STAT test! PLEASE HELP!

    i NEED to apply for the 18th november STAT test right, but apparently registrations have to be in by tomorrow... IF I CANT SIT THIS, i cant do pharmacy!!! because on the 5th of december, im not even going to BE HERE to do the test!!! and thats the last one!!!! and stupid UAC wont let u apply...
  12. meilz92

    Urgent: Regarding stat test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i NEED to apply for the 18th november STAT test right, but apparently registrations have to be in by tomorrow... IF I CANT SIT THIS, i cant do pharmacy!!! because on the 5th of december, im not even going to BE HERE to do the test!!! and thats the last one!!!! and stupid UAC wont let u apply...
  13. meilz92

    how to become a secondary science/biology teacher?

    I was looking at the Bachelor of teaching/Master of Teaching (secondary) at sydney uni, because i was considering being a science + biology teacher Next year im thinkin of doing a BSc at usyd with a psychology major i was just looking at the prerequisites for the teaching degree at usyd...
  14. meilz92

    pharmacy scenario here...

    ok, lets say this year in the HSC, i get an ATAR of 90 and i choose to do a BSc at sydney if after one semester ive decided that i really dont want to do science anymore, but id rather do pharmacy, would i be able to transfer to B Pharm for semester 2, 2010 given the following... - I got an...
  15. meilz92

    Pharmacy @ usyd

    hey guys just wondering, whats the ATAR required to do B.Pharm at USYD? i know you have to get >150 on the STAT, but what about the ATAR? also, is it too late to apply for/take the STAT test? apparently pharmacy admissions close on Dec 5th? and if you have work experience in a pharmacy (say...
  16. meilz92

    raw mark needed for band 5?

    would a raw mark of 35/50 be sufficient to get a band 5 in SOR1??? let me know :)
  17. meilz92

    SOR I exam!!!!

    are they able to ask for the significant person of lets say, islam, for both section II and III, so theres no avoiding it? :S somebody please let me knoww!!!
  18. meilz92

    500 internal service error wtf

    seriously, every 2nd click i do on this website, a big white blank page comes up with "500 internal service error".... its so annoying, i bet when i click "post" for this thread it will come up.... is it just my computer or is this happening for everyone?
  19. meilz92

    raw mark required for band 5 in business?

    haha probably a bit late to be asking i know, but.... roughly, what would you say is the raw mark required for a band 5 in business studies? do u think 73-75 would do it or nah? PLEEEASE let me know ASAP!! any opinion will do!!