Search results

  1. Shadowdude

    But Sir, I don't want to do Medical Physics!

    "Alas, no young grasshooper, as Medical Physics is revision of the work!" "But I want to do Quanta to Quarks!", I think to myself. So uhh... is this Medical Physics stuff good or should I try to lobby my teacher to change his direction or, go full left-field and study it in private while the...
  2. Shadowdude

    So our school picked Forensic Chemistry...

    Is it any good? Can I be looking forward to lessons of sheer awesomeness and joy or did we make a really stupid decision that is so horrible we should all receive dots for ATARs?
  3. Shadowdude

    My dilemma.

    I have five books that I have in my librarium, yes, I call it that - but a few of them are for my EX2 work and a few of them are also for belonging. I found the Catcher in the Rye to be good for belonging, but my teacher said it was good - and therefore, urged me not to choose it as he'll have...
  4. Shadowdude

    February 26, 2010 - University of Sydney Study Day

    By the way, this is apparently for English - and the only two seminars I know of is The Crucible for Std. and As You Like It for Adv. So two questions... anyone going to this? And, are these study days helpful?
  5. Shadowdude

    So my teacher told me to stop giving ATAR Estimates...

    "because I might upset people". I give estimates at state average or P25 for baselines, or if they are really positive, P75 - but really, if you get less than the state average or even P25... the only person you're upsetting is yourself. If you set yourself up for P75 and fail, you...
  6. Shadowdude

    "The Last of the Red Hat Mamas", a Simpsons Episode

    No idea, I was just watching it and... it seems good. The Last of the Red Hat Mamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I don't know, this is my first HSC - you think it'll work?
  7. Shadowdude

    Is this cheating?

    If anyone has the Couchman and Jones book, it's Question 13 and 14 in Exercise 21-3, Book 2 (the blue one). For question 13, would it be legal to write: Constructing another concentric circle with the arc CD, where CD is a chord in the circle, we can see that OM splits CD in half, therefore...
  8. Shadowdude

    This cannot be right.

    Using the table A3, I figured that if I got into the 50th percentile, just the 50th percentile for all my subjects - I would already get an ATAR around 92.50. Just by that. My working, scores are for P50: Chemistry - 33/50 English (Adv) - 32.1/50 English (Ext 1) - 37.4/50 English (Ext...
  9. Shadowdude

    How's my reading list?

    Hi all, As you may know, I'm doing the Stream of Consciousness satire, and my reading list is as follows: - Mrs Dalloway, Virginia Woolf - Last Exit to Brooklyn, Hubert Selby Jr. - One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Ken Kesey - Ulysses, James Joyce - The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger...
  10. Shadowdude

    So I ran out of time...

    Just thought of this, I had an in-class essay, for which I ran out of time for about three weeks ago - it's been weighing on my mind and decided to ask someone right now instead of living in agony... I was onto my sixth page and in the middle of my conclusion, when time ran up. Will my marks...
  11. Shadowdude

    Is anyone else doing it?

    My teacher told me "All the smart kids do it, so we're doing it". Anyone want to confirm this quote, or at least make me feel better that my cohort is not the only one doing it?
  12. Shadowdude

    Do they do this aligning thing as well for EX2?

    I know for other subjects the BoS does the aligning thing, where they take the internal marks, map the differences between marks - and then mark all the external works, pin the top internal mark and the top external mark and then distribute down via a graph thing. But do they also do this for...
  13. Shadowdude

    Wait, I got it! YES! No, wait I didn't... Cambridge Question Help again

    Should I make a new thread? Might as well. a\alpha + b\alpha + c = 0, where\, a, b, c \in \Re \, and \, \alpha \,\in \, \Im.\, Use\, the\, results \,in\, question\, 4\, to\, show\, that \, a\left ( \bar{\alpha }^{2} \right )+b\bar{\alpha } +c=0 The results in Question 4 are basically...
  14. Shadowdude

    Cambridge 4u Question Help

    Yeah, so it's the end of the term for me and I decided to revise what I've done so far in 4u... And then I get stuck about a half hour in. Exercise 2.1, Question 4, parts d and e. Conjugates of fractions confuse me completely, considering there is no example in the book for it - and my...
  15. Shadowdude

    So I have this $20 A+R Gift Card...

    ...and I figured I'd use it on HSC books. After procuring the Excel HSC Physics Book (hehehe), I'm left with MX1, MX2, Chemistry and the Englishes without any study guides. My teacher already told me to get the Excel Legal Studies book which I did, so yes. I assume that getting the Advanced...
  16. Shadowdude

    A Satire.

    I plan to satirise a book I absolutely hated, so much so I wanted to shoot myself by page 10 - but read to page 60-something anyway. I do realise it is ironic that during this course I will have to read the book in question again, along with about 10 others like it... But still, being able to...
  17. Shadowdude

    Projectile Motion - A Question

    I tried my "professional" way of solving a question to the effect of: A cannon is placed on a hill 50m above the sea, at an angle of 45 to the horizontal. If a cannonball is fired at 25m/s at the angle, what is the full range of the flight? Now what I did was I calculated normal range "d = u(x)...
  18. Shadowdude

    I have my Journal-to-be. Now what?

    So I got myself a Visual Arts Diary because that's what my teacher recommended to use as the journal (I think). So I have it, and my little notepad for ensuring that epiphanies on the train or realisations of great ideas in the middle of the night can be recorded as well. I went to the EX2...
  19. Shadowdude

    General Maths and Standard English

    I know, for a fact, that General Maths is a sorry excuse for a subject. A quick look at my friend's General Maths textbook shows them learning about significant figures, collecting like terms and basic arithmetic. Now, I'm not sure about Standard English - as there is no 'textbook' per se, and...
  20. Shadowdude

    What should I drop...?

    As you may know from my sig, I'm doing 16 units. This is far too much... and after a lovely twenty minute long session on highlighting my assignments for the year ahead (we got our assessment task sheet today), all twenty or so... I decided I'll pull out now from a subject, just one - to give me...