Hey guys, is anyone keen on forming a study group?
We could meet up once or twice a week, it will allow us to both socialise and sneak in a bit of studies.
Give me a halla if interested:)
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Hey guys :), how long will we have to walk to our next class if we have back to classes?
Also, do we only have tutes or lecturers first week? I remember someone saying we only have one or the other the first week. Why is this?
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Hey guys, are we expected to carry all our textbooks to class everyday or is it only for us to study from at home?
Cos damn those textbooks are heavy! I've purchased some of mine today, and I nearly died carrying them home.
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Hi guys, is anyone here taking on board an economics degree this year? I'm starting UNI this year and am looking for buddies which share a common degree :)
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hey guys,
does anyone have any analysis notes for "looking for alibrandi". i'm currently using it as my related text and i'm finding it a bit difficult to pick out key language techniques within the novel to help backup how this novel relates to belonging. Any help will be very much...