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  1. Silent_Sniper

    Graphics Card

    I am looking to buy a new Graphics Card but i am not sure which one to buy, Can anyone help me?
  2. Silent_Sniper

    LOTR Conquest

    It looks good, but is it?
  3. Silent_Sniper

    Anyone play Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne?

    Whats your favourite race and why?
  4. Silent_Sniper

    Which has better games? Xbox360 or PS3?

    Look i think its hard a really close call, but when you think about it Xbox360 has indeed been around longer but PS3 is catching up very fast.. But i reckon Xbox360 has the best games... Such as: -Fear 2 -Fear 1 -GTA IV Exp... -Far Cry -Far Cry 2 and much more... Oh and Fable..... :)