In this comp i think politics plays a large part of who actually wins. For example you never see the UK getting close to a win, even though they have some of the best music come out of them throughout the whole world. Nonetheless it is still interesting to watch and some countries possess an...
Zack Snyder Reveals Story Details for 300 Sequel
For those of you who are unable to click the link or suffer from Logizomechanophobia, the article is talking about a 300 sequel!
This could really kill the whole 300 idea since you can't really call it 301 and 300 2 sounds...
I have heard that in 2010 students in NSW will no longer be assessed on visual tasks such as posters and montages. Also, creative responses will be replaced by multiple choice questions. Anyone have anything to support this?
If it's true i'm glad i'm doing my HSC this year, since i know i...
Hi i was just wondering what types of jobs are out there which involve English. I am currently ranked 1st and 2nd repsectively for Adv and Ext. English and was just wondering. I have read all the job guide's etc but am wondering whether there are others which are not listed. Journalism appeals...
Why do we have to be ranked?
Personally i think making education a competition disheartends those less 'cluey' then others and hence pulling people into the hole of poverty,drugs and crime...