It's possible that what we call "morality" may be a cognitive trait that is universal to (most) humans, and possibly other animal species.
Evolution example...
Species A does not kill any fellow species A, but kills species B (this is intrinsic to all species A). While species B kills both...
Have you ever thought that some morals and ethics might be intrinsic in all cultures for a reason other than society/religion?
Morals and ethics have a clear evolutionary advantage. If a species is able to co-exist peacefully, this will ensure that more of said species will survive to...
The majority of people who think for themselves don't need a book to tell them not to kill people.
If they do, they are most probably unable to comprehend simplistic morality and ethics without it being spelled out for them.
And if that is the case, they shouldn't be reading the Bible anyway...
That's very true. I wouldn't have any issues if the Bible was taught/read in this fashion.
But I'm willing to bet that if the Bible was to be compulsorily taught in high schools, this sort of reading of the Bible would not occur in the majority of cases.
I'm pretty sure that Abbott has more of...
I agree to an extent.
But I feel there are thousand of books (both fiction and non-fiction) that are more worthwhile examining, compared to the Bible. And while it's hard to deny that the Bible is heavily intertwined with history and culture, this is mostly due to the mass indoctrination that...
My brother did combined commerce/law at UOW, and he managed to cope quite well with the workload. If you put the effort in, you should be fine. He went to university 3-4 days a week, but that all depends on what sort of timetable you are able to get with your course.
But essentially, if you're...
I've never had alcohol before. I had my 18th right before the HSC, so no party, and I started work a few days after my last exam. Since I work around 6 days a week and my day off is usually mid-week, I haven't had a chance to go out with my friends or anything like that yet.
I've never really...
The ones in bold are the most plausible, and are not mutually exclusive.
That would be more relevant to gender identity disorder (transgender issues), rather than homosexuality.
I'm sorry, but if God exists how that does that change my life? How is my life, as an atheist, fundamentally different from someone like you, who is a theist?
Although unicorns may seem trivial compared to the Biblical God, they both lack empirical evidence and therefore deserve the same lack...
I think you should try to do your course at UNSW or USyd. Most of the courses you are looking at are near-identical at both UNSW and USyd from what I've heard, and USyd and UNSW are both high quality universities for arts, law, etc.
So it really just depends on what you personal preference is...
"No belief" or "non-belief" is an incorrect term in most cases as it does not specify what the lack of belief is in reference to, which could lead to confusion. Atheism is specific towards a lack of belief in gods/deities, and therefore is more appropriate.
And I don't see why atheism is a...
I thought I addressed this in my earlier post.
Atheism does not equate to scientific understanding.
Babies are born with a lack of belief in gods/deities and remain that way unless they are indoctrinated or choose to become involved in religion or spirituality at a later age. Therefore atheism...
There are around 19 direct mentions of giants within the KJV of the Bible.
You can find those passages here: - KeywordSearch: giant
For one, I doubt that any of those passages listed are using "giants" as a synonym for "dinosaurs". Secondly, why did you dismiss your reference...
Isaiah 40:22 (New International Version)
22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth...
Actually, it says the Earth is a circle. If they wanted to say sphere, the authors would have used the equivalent term in their language. Circle is not the same as sphere.
As an atheist, I base my...
"This unit provides a detailed introduction to the 'hot' debates raised by the new and developing field of queer theory. Queer theory is first positioned in relation to historically antecedent definitions of subjectivity in terms of gender and sexual practice. The unit's primary concerns are...
UNSW is one of the best universities for engineering, from what I've heard.
It really just depends on what course you want to do though. UTS, USyd and UNSW are all relatively high quality universities.