What are these two questions asking?
(a) Assess how compliance and non-compliance are demonstrated in the operation of consumer law.
(b) Why are there different legal protections for consumers and manufacturers/suppliers?
Hey guys,
Do you guys know how to increase your appetite? Sometimes, I feel like I don't eat enough... And then this slows down my metabolism and I end up gaining weight. How can I increase my appetite to eat more?
Yesterday, I was on the train to the City when this girl came onto the train. Since I was standing up and the train was packed, she had to stand next to me. She was so pretty that I couldn't take my eyes off her. It was that bad.
When I was about to get off at Central, I walked around her to...
How much should you be writing per section? I had my half yearlies yesterday and I felt like I underwrote. For short answers I only wrote 2 pages, creative was 4 pages and essay was 8. I feel like out of 45 I'm only going to get 35... Is 2 pages enough for short answers? It was one 5 marker one...
What themes would you say resonate within the play of Othello? I'm considering doing it for my Critical response but would you guys say ambition plays a key role? As much, or even exceeding Macbeth? Because I'm tossing up between the two, and I don't know if I should do Othello or Macbeth...
Like, I know it's really beneficial to draft up essays and give it to your teacher to mark, but how do you find the motivation to do so? How do you overcome that boredom and yearning to study something else?
Hey Critical Responser,
What is your word count right now? Even if it's a draft? I haven't started and I'm still brainstorming and I'm scared I'm behind. What's everyone's progress?