I know i've asked this many times before on this forum and yes i've got some responses from shadowdude and some others experts. However im still not sure if im able to get a descent mark in the end for 2U maths =.=.... can anyone confirm this with me?? :(.. im just really paranoid atm.. I've...
Hey guys, hypothetical atar estimate please please :((..
economics 1/17
english standard 1/70
maths 5/30
business studies 1/30
ancient history 1/33
school rank 204~205.
currently im 2nd for business, english standard, 3rd for ancient, 4th for bus and 15th for maths T.T..~~ im...
Hey guys, apparently my rank was miscalculated and yes some people had dropped 2unit maths I hope this could potentially change my atar currently alot?? possibly.this is my new maths rank down below.
2/17 for eco (im 4 marks away from guy coming 1st from 30% trials)
2/70 for standard...
Teachers , tutors and various people have told me that now since our internal marks are nearly finalised and completed..
People in our cohort should be helping each other out or something for externals ???? because our school marks as a whole now matter or something, so we all have to...
English standard 2/70 (came 2nd for trials) gap isnt too big with 1st place
Economics 2/17 (came 2nd for trials) (dude beat me by 5% FML in 30% trials) so our gap isn't too big
Ancient 3/34 (came 2nd for trials)
Business 4/34 (came 2nd for trials)
maths 26/36 (gg)
:( hey guys...
i realised for my trials i accidentally got the contractionary and expansionary stance around wrong =.= for the monetary policy.
i said expansionary was to increase the cash rate by the rba
and contractionary to reduce the cash rate =.=
when its the opposite...
Hey guys.. Can i get an estimate on my after trials ranking...
maths 2u 28/36 (screwed up big time.... gg)
English standard 2/70
Business 4/34
Economics 1/16
Ancient 4/35
School rank is 204
im screwed for maths T.T .. gg my atar is going down the drain
So yeah.. im in a really bad mood =.=..
Screwed my 40% trials exam and im hoping to get alteast 30-40% =.=... which would be a bottom rank i guess....
My current rank is 17/36 and probably drop to about 20-25/36 for internal... school rank is 205
Is it still possible for me to a get...
Hello guys :).
I've been a bit lazy and un-motivated these days.. =.= haven't studied maths (2 unit) in about 2 weeks.......
I've got my trials coming up in about 6 days (CSSA)??
What is the best solution ? or the most effective? Past papers or doing textbooks such as Fitzpatrick and...
For paper 2 tomoz.
Any suggestions on how to prepare for 3 essays in 1 day O.O?????
It seems a bit impossible but im up to the challenge.
Should i just remember the quotes and shape it in the exam?:spzz::spzz::spzz::spzz:
As mentioned before couple months ago.
I bombed my half yearly and assestment which was 45% in total got around
40/100 average.
Recently got 60/100 which was 4/52 :). (15%) boosted my rank.
My internal ranks is about 17/36 so far and the people who are topping 2U got about 70-75% average...
Hello.. BOS!!
I was wondering if it is safe to prepare essays and memorise them for subjects like English for the trials and hsc exams??
(I do Standard English).
Or should i just remember my main points and techniques ??? What is the best solution to :(??
Please help me ty!!!!!!!!
.... lol?
$12million on television ads for the carbon tax... GG
2U maths rank 17/36 (40% Trial exam to go)
English Standard 2/70 (15% assestment+ Trial 25% to go)
Business studies 5/27 (Trial 30% + 10% assestment to go)
Eco 1/17 (Trial 30% to go)
Ancient 4/36 (Trial 40% exam to go)
School rank: 204
Also Which marks would I roughly need for a...
Hello I just got my new ranks from the school after a batch of new assesment tasks, These were the results:
School rank is low 200-205
Maths 2U ranking 29/52 (Last assignment came 4th and rank went up)
English standard 2/70
Business studies 4/33
Ancient History 4/35
Economics 1/16
Can I...
Hello guys I need some help for my essay!!!!
What are the factors affecting the growth of the Australian economy??
Are the factors from the component of Aggregate Demand?
Hey guys sorry had to repost my ATAR estimate here XD :p
School rank : 204
Economics , mark is 87% rank is 1/17
Business studies, mark is 86^ rank is 4/27
Ancient History , mark is 70 rank is 6/35
English standard rank is 3/70 mark is 80%
Maths 2unit , mark is 60% rank is 5ish (highest mark...
Sorry guys its another ATAR estimation!! I can't seem to trust the atar calculators..
But these are my ranks and recent marks on my report:
Economics : 86% 1/17
Business Studies : 88% 3/27
2U Maths : 60% 5/39
Ancient History: 70% 6/35
English standard: 80% 3/69
Thank you guys!!!!
Hey guys, I was wondering if it was still possible for me to get band 6 in 2unit maths for my overall HSC mark.
Sadly I failed my 2 maths exams so far (got 40% for both exams which were 15% and 30% school weighting) My ranks are around the average (18/42) but still pretty bad
What marks...