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  1. Survivor39


    What's your favourite moment on the Emmy award? personally, Brad Garret kissing that host is very...erhm....interesting.:eek: and Also Brad Garret and the little kitty :) And of course, The amazing Race won the best reality TV show. Finally Everybody Loves Raymond won the Best commedy...
  2. Survivor39

    Temptation Island

    I cannot believe it's BACK!!! Go Temptation Island, One of the best reality TV around!:)
  3. Survivor39

    Changing Document

    Which text are you going to write about in the HSC exam on the changing stimulus booklet? I am planning to write about "Sturt's Dreaming"
  4. Survivor39

    We Are Only Up to Acidic Environment!!!HELP!

    Just kidding, we are almost finish the course. Anyway, now I got your attention :D I would like to ask a question on one of the dot point on The Acidic environment. Identify a range of salts which form acidic, basic or neutral solutions ok this is what I know so far: Acidic salt: NaHSO4...
  5. Survivor39

    WHat is Social Science consist of??

    I like to know what do you do in Social Scence in Univeristy?? Is it boring or interesting. I got a preference on B Social science as a combined degree and I am not sure if I made the right decision. Also what employment opportunity is there for this degree alone?:confused:
  6. Survivor39

    Is He Going To Get 99+

    I keep convincing my friend that he will get a UAI of 99, but he doens't believe me. He is afraid of putting preference of over 96 because he doesn't believe he can get over 96 even though we all knew (the whole year 12) that he's going to be the dux of the school in 2003. Here what he got...
  7. Survivor39

    UAI and University

    In the UAC guide, the UAI cut-offs are indicated for 2003. But for the 2003 year 12 (this year), doesn't it mean that we can't really follow the UAIs printed on there because we are aiming for the cut-offs for 2004? For example, the UAI cut-off (2003) for B. Economic at USyd is 90.95, If in...
  8. Survivor39

    Anything besides "Education" to Asian parents are considered unnecessary.

    Anything besides "Education" to Asian parents are considered unnecessary. DO YOU AGREE??
  9. Survivor39

    Relative Difference, Ranks and Moderated Assessment Mark

    I would like to know how the relative difference work and thus how it effect a student. In any course for example Mathematics. what will be the MODERATED assessment marks be for Student 2? Student 1 Ranked 1. School Assessment: 93. HSC Exam 90 Student 2 Ranked 2. School Assessment: 91...
  10. Survivor39

    WHAT'S the difference...

    I don't do economics, but i'm not sure whther anone could help me to clear this up for Society and Culture. What's the difference between transnational coporation and Multinational coporation? and Please give examples of each.
  11. Survivor39

    RANKS ARE DEAD, What should I DO??

    After finishing some assessment tasks left to go in some subjects, i suddnely discovered that my ranks are DEAD! what should i do??:confused: :( :confused: :( Biology, dropped from 1 to 3/30 Engineering Studies from 1 to 2/7 Society and Culture from 1 to 2/17 Maths from 4 to 7/66...
  12. Survivor39

    Are You ALL Aiming at 99+ UAI or something??

    Extension people! with your wonderful manipulation of mathematical ability, are you all hoping that you'll get something like 99+ for your UAI? (since it is somehow scaled so well :))
  13. Survivor39

    Chemistry Trial

    Chemistry Trial - What did everyone got? What did everyone recieved in their chemistry trials? I got 73, disappointing, but i still rank well :o
  14. Survivor39

    Providence on Channel 7

    I am REALLY curious if ANYONE in this WHOLE FORUM watches Providence on Channel 7?? I love this show and I cannot believe it's the Final this week. I am not sure if any of you watches it, but it did inspired me to become a doctor one day. I JUST LOVE THIS SHOW.
  15. Survivor39

    The Bachelor

    Anyone watches the Bachelor III ?? i think the girls are beautiful, but they all seems to be sluttish in a way, you know what i mean? It's a CAT FIGHT, they all try to grab on to one of the roses.;)
  16. Survivor39

    Trial - How Did You Go

    I finished my trials today.yeah stupid engineering was the last exam, did even bothered to study. i think i am aim for the 80s. what did everyone get in their trials?
  17. Survivor39

    Lecturers in Uni

    Are lecturers in Uni really that horrible, or is it just my maths teacher making it sound so bad?? He tells people (pass students to come and talk to us ) they all said Uni is hard.....etc. and the lecturers don't care about you...unlike high school. IS THIS ALL TRUE?? TELL ME!!!!
  18. Survivor39

    Half Year Results

    what was your half year results in Society and Culture my half year was relatively easy, i got 96%
  19. Survivor39

    Argh!!!! The Trial Was Hard

    i think i did pretty ordinary in the trial, *sigh* no more 1st for me:( why did they make it so...difficult compared to my half yearly. btw, we did the independent paper
  20. Survivor39

    Is Public Schools gonna Kick Private Schools??

    Is public schools gonna kick private schools' asses AGAIN in the 2003 HSC?? Probability: 99.95:D (as we have for the past god knows how many years we've been kicking private schools' asses!) tell me what you think. Go PUBLIC SCHOOL