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  1. breaking

    Field Day 2007

    which of you cool cats are going?
  2. breaking

    the next time you...

    hear that new pink song, try singing the veronicas - 4ever over the top of it. it fits, like... perfectly they are pretty much exactly the same song haha
  3. breaking

    does the xbox 360.......

    have a hd-dvd drive? cause i came across this article on the xbox site which seems to suggest that it does, yet i hadnt heard about this before?
  4. breaking

    what car....

    has that central locking remote thats like.... a black circle with a rubbery green thing on one side and the buttons are on that?
  5. breaking


    anyone going to the wolfmother concert at the hordern on july 20th?
  6. breaking

    we love sounds any of you cunts going? i am so there it's not funny.
  7. breaking

    has anyone heard

    that mark ronson song featuring the dude from phantom planet, and its like, a cover of a radiohead song or some shit? when i found that out i was like "ew" haha but yeah i really like it, apparently theres gonna be a whole album of radiohead covers. personally i dont think radiohead are quite...
  8. breaking

    Strange computer problem =S

    ok so this problem is happening on my own computer, not the one im using now. but anyways...... when i load windows and then go to any text entry box, or word processor, or anything that requires typing, the " ` " character just suddenly starts typing itself. The keyboard isn't broken, as i...
  9. breaking

    profile problem

    i just noticed that in my profile my homepage is set to a porn site i didnt put that there...... like wtf? do i have a virus or something
  10. breaking

    The Footy Show

    The Footy Show.
  11. breaking

    NRL Fan Survey 2005

  12. breaking

    cool site for streaming music videos

    well i came across this site the other day its in german or something but most of it is in english and yeah this page has a shitload of streaming music videos which stream directly from the site and also seem to be fast to load and relatively good quality
  13. breaking

    laptop/notebook style keyboards

    does anyone know where to get keyboards that have keys like laptop computers have, i know theres that heaaaaaaaaaaaps expensive logitech one but i dont wanna spend that much all i want is a keyboard doesnt matter if its not wireless either
  14. breaking


    so yeah i was gonna buy this on dvd today cause it looks really good but then i remembered about origin so would it have been worth my hard-earned 32.95?
  15. breaking

    The Official Schapelle Corby Thread™

    Post all Schapelle-related commentary, questions etc here! :)
  16. breaking

    wtfs with all this spam?

    ok i just checked my gmail then to find out i have had this constant flow of spam into my inbox since about 10am today! and its in inbox, not spam, and usually gmail detects allll spam has anyone else had this problem? (btw why are images turned off in this forum?)
  17. breaking

    Record companies DJs with prosecution

    Record companies threaten DJs with prosecution What are everyone's thoughts on this? Basically it meant if you were a bedroom DJ and you made a mixed CD and gave it to just one person without getting approval and paying royalties to the artists, you could be hit with massive fines. I have a...
  18. breaking

    what happens when you don't hand in an assignment or you hand it in late?

    can you fail the course if this happens?
  19. breaking

    eeeeeeeeeeeebay password stealer???

    i recently started getting this pop-up box requesting my username and password when i go to the ebay homepage. this only started happening recently, and it happens even though i'm logged in. does this mean there's some proggy on my computer trying to get my passwords? p.s. i am using firefox.
  20. breaking

    pubs etc. in the city??

    ok...... well i'm havin an 18th thing in the city next saturday with all my m8s... and that's about all that we know so far, that we're gonna go into the city - do a pub crawl - so can anyone recommend any good places to go? just not nightclubs .....likewise, are there any places to avoid...